Liderazgo electrónico y clima organizacional en teletrabajadores de empresas privadas de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo dar a conocer la asociación entre el
clima organizacional y el liderazgo electrónico (E-Leadership) en los teletrabajadores durante
el contexto COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transaccional,
correlacional y no experimental; que utiliza como instrumentos dos encuestas: (a) E Leadership de Van Wart et al., (2017), adaptado y validado al contexto peruano por Alpaca et
al. (2021) que identifican el modelo de dos estilos electrónicas que son fundamentales para
un liderazgo electrónico eficaz: liderazgo positivo y la ausencia de liderazgo negativo ; y
con respecto a la otra variable (b) Clima Organizacional, se procedió a la aplicación de una
escala de medición para clima organizacional de Koys & Decottis (1991). La muestra
evaluada fue de 220 teletrabajadores de empresas de Lima Metropolitana, cuyas
características fueron el trabajo en modalidad virtual y mixta, con nivel de estudio técnicos y
universitarios. Los resultados concluyen que existe una correlación significativa entre los dos
estilos de e-leadership y el clima organizacional, es decir, perciben que un buen liderazgo
electrónico de forma remota mejora las condiciones del clima organizacional dentro de su
empresa, además que el Clima Organizacional se correlaciona más fuerte con E-Liderazgo
Positivo (rₛ = .76) que con la Ausencia de Liderazgo Negativo (rₛ = .44).
Finalmente, los resultados muestran que el instrumento para medir el liderazgo
electrónico y clima organizacional tiene una fiabilidad compuesta (mayor de 0,87) en ambos
casos gracias al método de PLS o regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales, dando una
regresión simple de 0.73 lo que implica que ambas variables realmente se relacionan con un
coeficiente alto. Se recomienda aplicar este modelo a una muestra representativa a nivel
nacional para determinar el impacto que tuvo el COVID-19 en todo el Perú y evaluar si hay
diferencias entre los resultados a nivel de Lima Metropolitana.
This research aims to association between the organizational climate and electronic leadership (E-Leadership) in teleworkers during the COVID-19 context. It is a quantitative, descriptive, transactional, correlational and non-experimental study; which uses two surveys as instruments: (a) E-Leadership by Van Wart et al., (2017), adapted and validated to the Peruvian context by Alpaca et al. (2021) who identify the model of two e-styles that are essential for effective e-leadership: positive leadership and the absence of negative leadership; and with respect to the other variable (b) Organizational Climate, a measurement scale for organizational climate by Koys & Decottis (1991) was applied. The sample evaluated was 228 teleworkers from companies in Metropolitan Lima, whose characteristics were work in were working mixed modality, with a technical and university level of study. The results conclude that there is a significant correlation between the two styles of e leadership and the organizational climate, that is, they perceive that good electronic leadership remotely improves the conditions of the organizational climate within their company, in addition that the Organizational Climate is correlates stronger with Positive E Leadership (rₛ = .76) than with Absence of Negative Leadership (rₛ = .44). Finally, the results show that the instrument to measure electronic leadership and organizational climate has a composite reliability (greater than 0.87) in both cases thanks to the PLS method or partial least squares regression, giving a simple regression of 0.73, which implies that both variables are really related with a high coefficient. It is recommended to apply this model to a representative sample at the national level to determine the impact that COVID-19 had throughout Peru and to assess whether there are differences between the results at the level of Metropolitan Lima.
This research aims to association between the organizational climate and electronic leadership (E-Leadership) in teleworkers during the COVID-19 context. It is a quantitative, descriptive, transactional, correlational and non-experimental study; which uses two surveys as instruments: (a) E-Leadership by Van Wart et al., (2017), adapted and validated to the Peruvian context by Alpaca et al. (2021) who identify the model of two e-styles that are essential for effective e-leadership: positive leadership and the absence of negative leadership; and with respect to the other variable (b) Organizational Climate, a measurement scale for organizational climate by Koys & Decottis (1991) was applied. The sample evaluated was 228 teleworkers from companies in Metropolitan Lima, whose characteristics were work in were working mixed modality, with a technical and university level of study. The results conclude that there is a significant correlation between the two styles of e leadership and the organizational climate, that is, they perceive that good electronic leadership remotely improves the conditions of the organizational climate within their company, in addition that the Organizational Climate is correlates stronger with Positive E Leadership (rₛ = .76) than with Absence of Negative Leadership (rₛ = .44). Finally, the results show that the instrument to measure electronic leadership and organizational climate has a composite reliability (greater than 0.87) in both cases thanks to the PLS method or partial least squares regression, giving a simple regression of 0.73, which implies that both variables are really related with a high coefficient. It is recommended to apply this model to a representative sample at the national level to determine the impact that COVID-19 had throughout Peru and to assess whether there are differences between the results at the level of Metropolitan Lima.