Recent Submissions

  • Editorial 

    Rubina Vargas, Celia; Torres Vitolas, Miguel Ángel (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
  • Propósito semiótico y perspectivas estratégicas de Visita Lima 

    Perusset, Alain (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    The COVID crisis in 2020 deeply impacted world economy. Peru, which had a booming tourism sector, suffered severely from the fall in international arrivals to its territory. To reactivate local economy, the Municipality ...
  • Narrar la ciudad: experiencia y apropiación videolúdica del ciclista urbano en YouTube 

    Moreno Reina, Daniel; Cubides Serrano, Edwin (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    Since the implementation of the first bike paths in Bogotá, Colombia, at the beginning of the 2000s, the bicycle progressively became a mobility alternative to mass transportation. Although road corridors are often a scene ...
  • Discurso e ideología anticomunista en la prensa popular limeña durante la segunda vuelta presidencial 2021 

    Caballero Rojas, Gerardo Alonso (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    This article studies the role of the sensationalist popular press during the campaign for the second electoral round carried out in Peru between April and June 2021. For this, the journalistic discourse on the front pages ...
  • Modulaciones de la ciudad en la ficción televisiva contemporánea 

    Cappello, Giancarlo (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    This article deals with the representation of urban space in television fiction through an approach that, starting from the works around the moving image and its modes of production, incorporates contributions from critical ...
  • Ciudad y alteridad: la presencia de bolivianos en la ciudad de São Paulo 

    Bueno, Alexandre Marcelo (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    The city of São Paulo is known for its large number of immigrants in the past and in the present. These groups produce their presence in the public space, as is the case of Bolivian immigrants. This paper aims to ...
  • Memoria y gráfica popular en el espacio público: un acercamiento cromático desde la semiótica 

    Yalán Dongo, Eduardo Enrique (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-04-25)
    This article analyzes the role of cultural memory through the chromatic plastic signs of the Peruvian popular graphic advertisement. The corpus considers the graphic-advertising production that circulates in the public ...