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  • Ítem
    El cine del surandino peruano sobre el conflicto armado: género cinematográfico e hibridez desde los márgenes del establishment de Lima
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Torres Vitolas, Miguel Ángel; Aguirre Pérez, Fernando
    This article proposes a critical regard on genre confronting this notion with Peruvian South Andean Cinema on the Armed conflict. We start by questioning genre notion, understood as a necessary condition in communicational practice between producers and audience. We are more interested in understanding how this notion points to a symbolic dispute from and among multiple agents involved in the cinematographic phenomenon. Then, we identify a characteristic that differences this cinema from hegemonic limeño cinema on armed conflict: genre hybridity. We found there a symbolic operation through which this cinema differs from Lima’s cinema and build its own identities.
  • Ítem
    Representación de la protesta social en las movilizaciones ciudadanas en el Perú durante el periodo pre- y poselectoral de 2021: análisis desde la visualidad de un trabajo fotográfico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Velarde Castillo, Jackeline Sofía
    Aldair Mejía is a Peruvian photographer who became moderately well known in the outbreak of social protest in Peru during November 2020. His work has recorded the citizen mobilizations in the country before, during and after the last presidential elections of 2021, that gave Pedro Castillo as the winner. The subject of this article has to do with, from the visuality, exploring and describing the representation of the social claim in this photographic work, using three photographs as the object of analysis. The methodology of visual analysis has been specifically used and it is not intended to generalize the meaning and implication of the images in other contexts. The focus has been on defining what kind of visual discourse these images constitute in the context of the enunciation and repetition of messages, mostly contrary, by the media, economic powers and defenders of the status quo, in the context of the political tension between candidates and what their figures represented until the announcement of the official winner.
  • Ítem
    Utopía del Otro
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Rozalski, Maciej
    The text deals with ideas and projects in culture and arts, especially visual arts and performingarts in Brazil aimed at the construction of identity through post-colonial resistance mixed with the modernist utopias of the 20th century. South America, freeing itself from the oppression of the colonial era, had to redefine its national and cultural identity. The utopianbeliefof meeting the Other, the representative of traditional cultures as the bearer of renewal characterizes the search of many artists and thinkers of the 20th century. The experiences of Brazilian modernism, tropicalism, andBrazilian performance bring their version of this perspective, thefigure of the American Indians in various ways. Brazilian art of the 20th century using the concept of symbolic anthropophagy wants to devour Europe. But as contemporary decolonial studies show, Brazilian modernism, transforming the Indian into a rhetorical and aesthetic figure, ends up in this way devouring its own indigenous people. The decolonial concepts and finally the contemporary Amerindian perspective bring their own answer, deconstructing and exposing hidden prejudices of Brazilian culture
  • Ítem
    Victoria Santa Cruz. De la estampa folclórica al teatro negro: una apreciación desde la perspectiva de su sobrino y colaborador Octavio Santa Cruz Urquieta
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-28) Santa Cruz Urquieta, Octavio
    Victoria Santa Cruz fue una autora y directora teatral peruana. Tuvo actividad durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En un inicio, fue conocida por su labor como compositora musical, coreógrafa e investigadora. Luego, se dedicó a la docencia universitaria. Actualmente, su prestigio comienza a crecer a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, de su obra creativa hay aún mucho por compartir. Aquí presentaré un libreto inédito. Mi comentario comienza por mi experiencia al lado de la autora.
  • Ítem
    Miradas en lucha, hacia un archivo audiovisual comunitario
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Gonzales Oviedo, Julio César
    With the advance of socio-environmental conflict in Peru, committed audiovisual practices emerge that accompany and document the eco-territorial struggles of the last 20 years from social movements. For this reason, an approach is proposed to the construction of a community audiovisual archive that recovers narratives and memories of these disputes in the fight for the defense of territory and common goods.
  • Ítem
    Peinando a una negrita: el estigma «del pelo» en la obra teatral de Victoria Santa Cruz Gamarra
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-28) Santa Cruz Bustamante, Alina Consuelo
    This paper is a critical commentary on the script of a short piece of theater of Victoria Santa Cruz Gamarra titled Combing a Little Black Girl. In a first time we present the basis of the black theater of Victoria. This piece deals with the stigma of the hair. Victoria developed the facet of playwright from her beginning into the performing arts. She would define the objectives of her theatrical approach as a way to search for the understanding of our psychological processes (Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 1980). The actor can develop the ability to become aware of their own reactions to questions and conflicts originating in the past, for example in the case of Afro-descendants, in a colonial past of enslavement. It is then a tool that allows us to face the internal struggles that, because they continue to be rooted in society and in our own inner hearts, project a wrong vision of our future.