Aproximaciones al lenguaje visual del kené desde la perspectiva del diseño gráfico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El artículo da alcances sobre una investigación en curso sobre el kené, expresión
artística tradicional de los shipibo-konibo, pueblo indígena originario del departamento
de Ucayali, Perú. Reconocido como patrimonio cultural inmaterial, el kené constituye uno
de los elementos esenciales de la identidad de los shipibo-konibo que expresa a la vez la
influencia de elementos internos y externos a este pueblo a lo largo de su historia.
Así, la investigación aborda los efectos que se han manifestado en el kené a partir del
establecimiento de la comunidad de Cantagallo en Lima, hacia 2001, a través de los
conceptos de territorialización, desterritorialización y reterritorialización. De este modo,
apunta a analizar comparativamente los patrones de periodos previos y posteriores a esta
migración, así como su actual significado para esta comunidad.
The article gives scopes about an ongoing research on kené, a traditional artistic expression of the Shipibo-Konibo, a native village from the department of Ucayali, Peru. Recognized as an intangible cultural heritage, the kené constitutes one of the essential elements on the Shipibo-Konibo's identity which express the influence of internal and external elements to this village throughout their history. Thus, the research addresses the effects that have been manifested in kené since the establishment of the Cantagallo community in Lima, around 2001, through the concepts of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization. In this way, it aims to comparatively analyze the patterns of the periods before and after this migration, as well as their current significance for this community.
The article gives scopes about an ongoing research on kené, a traditional artistic expression of the Shipibo-Konibo, a native village from the department of Ucayali, Peru. Recognized as an intangible cultural heritage, the kené constitutes one of the essential elements on the Shipibo-Konibo's identity which express the influence of internal and external elements to this village throughout their history. Thus, the research addresses the effects that have been manifested in kené since the establishment of the Cantagallo community in Lima, around 2001, through the concepts of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization. In this way, it aims to comparatively analyze the patterns of the periods before and after this migration, as well as their current significance for this community.
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