Tabla de Contenido

  • A study of modified Hermite polynomials of two variables Ahmad Khan, Mumtaz; Hakim Khan, Abdul; Ahmad, Naeem; 11-23
  • Singularidad de la polar de un germen de curva irreducible de género uno Hernandez Iglesias, Fernando; 25-40
  • Salto desde la estratósfera Oré, Casio R; 41-52
  • Sobre la inyectividad en espacios euclidianos Rabanal, Roland; 53-70
  • Hipersuperficies generalizadas en Cn Fernandez Sánchez, Percy; Mozo Fernández, Jorge; Neciosup Puican, Hernán; 71-82
  • A differential equation for polynomials related to the Jacobian conjecture Valqui Haase, Christian Holger; Guccione, Jorge A; Guccione, Juan J; 83-98
  • Hypersato Structures Cuadros Valle, Jaime; 99-125
  • Medida aleatoria de Poisson Beltrán, Johel; 127-149
  • Recent Submissions

    • Sobre la inyectividad en espacios euclidianos 

      Rabanal, Roland (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      We describe some classical results on global injectivity of local dieomorphism on Euclidian spaces. This is not exhaustive, and it does not purport to be a complete history, it simply describes some useful results in ...
    • Salto desde la estratósfera 

      Oré, Casio R. (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      On sunday october 14, 2012, the Austrian Felix Baumgartner did a spectacular jump in Roswell, New Mexico. He ascended 39 km high in a helium contained globe and jumped. In this work I try to applay physical laws to understand ...
    • Medida aleatoria de Poisson 

      Beltrán, Johel (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      In this monograph we continue with the inspection initiated in [1] on the fundamental tools introduced in the approach proposed in [2,3] for the study of metastability. We give the definition of the Poisson random measures ...
    • Singularidad de la polar de un germen de curva irreducible de género uno 

      Hernandez Iglesias, Fernando (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      Describe the topology of the polar for an irreducible curve germ of gender one and generic, we show that are non degenerate Newton.
    • Hypersato Structures 

      Cuadros Valle, Jaime (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      We define hypersato structures: these structures admit three inequivalent Sasakian structures such that each of these structures shares a common Reeb vector field and a common contact form with the others two. It is ...
    • A study of modified Hermite polynomials of two variables 

      Ahmad Khan, Mumtaz; Hakim Khan, Abdul; Ahmad, Naeem (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      The present paper is a study of modied Hermite polynomials of two variables Hn(x; y; a) which for a = e reduces to Hermite polynomials of two variables Hn(x; y) due to M.A. Khan and G.S. Abukhammash.
    • A differential equation for polynomials related to the Jacobian conjecture 

      Valqui Haase, Christian Holger; Guccione, Jorge A.; Guccione, Juan J. (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      We analyze a possible minimal counterexample to theJacobian Conjecture P;Q with gcd(deg(P); deg(Q)) = 16 and show that its existence depends only on the existence of solutions for a certain Abel dierential equation of the ...
    • Hipersuperficies generalizadas en Cn 

      Fernandez Sánchez, Percy; Mozo Fernández, Jorge; Neciosup Puican, Hernán (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2013)
      The main aim of this paper is proof that the reduction of the singularities of a generalized hypersurfaces agrees with a reduction of singularities of its separatrix; which is a generalization of the result presented in ...