Los antis: la Amazonía como frontera y mundo desconocido en dos fuentes coloniales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El trabajo busca explorar la concepción del espacio amazónico—específicamente a partir del uso de la palabra quechua antis, de donde procede el topónimo Andes,en dos textos coloniales muy representativos como son el Manuscrito de Huarochirí (1608) y las dos partes de los Comentarios reales de los Incas (1609 y1617), texto fundacional de las letras peruana, escrito por el cronista mestizo elInca Garcilaso de la Vega. Este vocablo significa el límite o la frontera con el mundo amazónico, de allí Antisuyo para designar la parte oriental del imperioincaico que limita con la Amazonía pero que claramente no la incluye. Este espacio es caracterizado de manera coincidente en los tres textos como una zona agreste, salvaje y no conocida—así la Amazonía es representada como un ámbito que queda fuera del espacio controlado, conocido y cultivado tanto por los pueblosque adoran al huaca Pariacaca en las provincias de Huarochirí como por los “civilizados” incas de Garcilaso.
The paper seeks to explore the development of the Amazon region, specifically from the use of the Quechua word anti, from which the toponym Andes, in two veryrepresentative colonial texts such as the Huarochiri Manuscript (1608) and the two sides of the Comments actual Incas (1609 and 1617), founding text of Peruvian letters written by the mestizo chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega. This word means the limit or border of the Amazonian world, hence Antisuyo to designate the eastern part of the Inca empire which borders the Amazon but that clearly does not. This space is characterized by coincidence in the three texts as a wild, wild and not-well known Amazonia is represented as an area which is outside the controlled space, both known and cultivated by the people who worship the huaca Pariacaca in Huarochiri provinces as "civilized" Inca Garcilaso.
The paper seeks to explore the development of the Amazon region, specifically from the use of the Quechua word anti, from which the toponym Andes, in two veryrepresentative colonial texts such as the Huarochiri Manuscript (1608) and the two sides of the Comments actual Incas (1609 and 1617), founding text of Peruvian letters written by the mestizo chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega. This word means the limit or border of the Amazonian world, hence Antisuyo to designate the eastern part of the Inca empire which borders the Amazon but that clearly does not. This space is characterized by coincidence in the three texts as a wild, wild and not-well known Amazonia is represented as an area which is outside the controlled space, both known and cultivated by the people who worship the huaca Pariacaca in Huarochiri provinces as "civilized" Inca Garcilaso.
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