El tuit como micropanfleto: el caso de la asunción del nuevo presidente mexicano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Este artículo analiza discursivamente, desde un enfoque multidisciplinario y una visión amplia del hecho argumentativo, la dimensión polémica de un corpus extenso de tuits contrarios al expresidente mexicano Peña Nieto y al nuevo presidente, López Obrador, a raíz de la toma de protesta del último. Tomando distancia de los trabajos que asumen que en Twitter hay escasa o nula argumentación, y que lo que prevalece es la violencia, el análisis pone de manifiesto una cadena argumentativa reactiva, estructurada en argumentos no siempre entimemáticos, así como en otros recursos (muchos de ellos, visuales) que entroncan con la tradición polémica y panfletaria del siglo XIX mexicano, lo que nos lleva a describir al tuit como el sucedáneo actual del panfleto tradicional.
This article analyzes the controversial dimension of a wide corpus of tweets that oppose to the former Mexican president Peña Nieto and the new president, López Obrador, in the context of the swearing-in ceremony of the latest, from a multidisciplinary approach and a broad vision of argumentation. Taking distance from the studies that assume that argumentation is not the preponderant on Twitter, and that violence is what prevails, our analysis reveals a reactive argumentative chain, structured in varied arguments, not just entimematic ones, as well as in other resources (many of them visual) that connect with the panfletary tradition of the Mexican 19th century, which leads us to describe the tweet as the current substitute of the traditional pamphlet.
This article analyzes the controversial dimension of a wide corpus of tweets that oppose to the former Mexican president Peña Nieto and the new president, López Obrador, in the context of the swearing-in ceremony of the latest, from a multidisciplinary approach and a broad vision of argumentation. Taking distance from the studies that assume that argumentation is not the preponderant on Twitter, and that violence is what prevails, our analysis reveals a reactive argumentative chain, structured in varied arguments, not just entimematic ones, as well as in other resources (many of them visual) that connect with the panfletary tradition of the Mexican 19th century, which leads us to describe the tweet as the current substitute of the traditional pamphlet.
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