Plan estratégico de marketing para el lanzamiento de línea de chocolates orgánicos para Nestlé
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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A nivel nacional como internacional, existe actualmente una creciente tendencia por el
consumo de productos orgánicos. Esto se debe a que hay una mayor preocupación por parte
de los consumidores respecto al cuidado de su nutrición y salud. Ello representa, desde luego,
una oportunidad para desarrollar nuevos productos que mantengan una línea saludable dentro
de sus características y atributos, y permite identificar un mercado potencial para ingresar,
por ejemplo, una nueva línea de chocolates orgánicos, aprovechando que uno de los mejores
granos de cacao orgánico en el mundo se produce en el Perú, específicamente en el distrito de
Mazamari, en la región Junín, en el centro oeste del Perú, el cual es valorado en los mercados
internacionales por su atributo diferenciador de ser un cacao fino de aroma.
Para lanzar esta nueva línea de chocolates orgánicos en el mercado peruano, se ha
elaborado un Plan de marketing, el cual se ejecutaría a través de la empresa Nestlé, con el
propósito de registrar una nueva marca dentro del portafolio de marcas de chocolates que
actualmente maneja dicha empresa. Cabe destacar que se ha elegido a Nestlé por su posición
de líder en el mercado peruano en el rubro de la chocolatería y confitería, asimismo por su
experiencia en acciones de responsabilidad social, pues también con este plan se busca
generar un impacto social en la comunidad de Mazamari haciendo uso de una parte de las
utilidades obtenidas. La nueva marca de los chocolates orgánicos llevará el nombre de
“Pachi” que, en quechua significa ´Gratitudˋ, e irá acompañada del slogan “Placer que hace
bien”, pues hace bien tanto a los consumidores como a la comunidad de Mazamari y al medio
A nivel financiero, el proyecto es viable ya que genera un VAN de S/ 1’183,097.26, y
una TIR de 36.55% para el período 2018-2020, además de los beneficios sociales a los que
accederán los pobladores de Mazamari
Nowadays, there is a growing trend for the consumption of organic products both nationally and internationally, due to a greater concern from consumers about the care of their nutrition and health. This represents an opportunity to develop new products that keep this line healthy within its attributes, therefore a potential market has been identified to introduce a new line of organic chocolates in the peruvian market, taking advantage that one of the best grains of cocoa in the world is produced in the district of Mazamari in Junin, and are highly valued at international markets for their distinguishing attribute of being a fine aroma cocoa. To launch the new line of organic chocolates to the peruvian market, a Marketing plan has been developed and would be carried out through the company Nestlé, which would work as a new brand within the portfolio of chocolate brands currently run by the company. This company was chosen because of its position as leader in the Peruvian chocolate and confectionery market and also for its experience in social responsibility actions, as it seeks to generate a social impact in the town of Mazamari with part of the profits obtained. The new brand for the organic chocolates will be “Pachi” which means ‘gratitude’ in quechua and will be accompanied by the slogan "Place que hace bien", because it is beneficial for consumers, the community of Mazamari and the environment. At the financial level, the project is viable since it generates a NPV of S/1'183,097.26, and a IRR of 36.55% for the period 2018-2020 in addition to the social benefits in the community of Mazamari
Nowadays, there is a growing trend for the consumption of organic products both nationally and internationally, due to a greater concern from consumers about the care of their nutrition and health. This represents an opportunity to develop new products that keep this line healthy within its attributes, therefore a potential market has been identified to introduce a new line of organic chocolates in the peruvian market, taking advantage that one of the best grains of cocoa in the world is produced in the district of Mazamari in Junin, and are highly valued at international markets for their distinguishing attribute of being a fine aroma cocoa. To launch the new line of organic chocolates to the peruvian market, a Marketing plan has been developed and would be carried out through the company Nestlé, which would work as a new brand within the portfolio of chocolate brands currently run by the company. This company was chosen because of its position as leader in the Peruvian chocolate and confectionery market and also for its experience in social responsibility actions, as it seeks to generate a social impact in the town of Mazamari with part of the profits obtained. The new brand for the organic chocolates will be “Pachi” which means ‘gratitude’ in quechua and will be accompanied by the slogan "Place que hace bien", because it is beneficial for consumers, the community of Mazamari and the environment. At the financial level, the project is viable since it generates a NPV of S/1'183,097.26, and a IRR of 36.55% for the period 2018-2020 in addition to the social benefits in the community of Mazamari
Palabras clave
Alimentos -- Industria y comercio -- Perú
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