El Dionisos de Nietzsche en América Latina (1900-1925)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo se analizan algunas lecturas de Nietzsche y, en particular, su representación sobre Dionisos elaborada en el primer cuarto del siglo XX por algunas élites letradas latinoamericanas en su afán de legitimarse ante la expansión de proyectos positivistas y utilitaristas que causaron un déficit cultural y político en las sociedades latinoamericanas. Se argumenta que, por una parte, el recurso al Dionisos de Nietzsche dinamizó un movimiento modernizador en el marco de sociedades abocadas a procesos de secularización y que, por otra parte, la perspectiva crítica ganada por el recurso al Dionisos de Nietzsche, sin embargo, no escapó a la reproducción de narrativas coloniales y neocoloniales desde discursos sobre lo “propio”, “latino”, “hispano”, “católico”, entre otras formulaciones.
“Nietzsche’s Dionysus in Latin America (1900-1925)”. This essay analyzes some of Nietzsche’s readings and, in particular, his representation of Dionysus, which some Latina American lettered elites elaborated in the first quarter of the twentieth century in their quest to legitimize themselves before the expansion of positivist and utilitarian projects that caused a cultural and political deficit in Latin American societies. It is argued, on the one hand, that the recourse to the Dionysius of Nietzsche energized a modernizing movement in the context of modernized societies in the processes of secularization and, on the other hand, that the critical perspective gained by recourse to the Dionysus of Nietzsche did not escape the reproduction of colonial and neocolonial narratives from discourses on “what is ours”, “latino,” “hispanic,” “catholic”, among other formulations.
“Nietzsche’s Dionysus in Latin America (1900-1925)”. This essay analyzes some of Nietzsche’s readings and, in particular, his representation of Dionysus, which some Latina American lettered elites elaborated in the first quarter of the twentieth century in their quest to legitimize themselves before the expansion of positivist and utilitarian projects that caused a cultural and political deficit in Latin American societies. It is argued, on the one hand, that the recourse to the Dionysius of Nietzsche energized a modernizing movement in the context of modernized societies in the processes of secularization and, on the other hand, that the critical perspective gained by recourse to the Dionysus of Nietzsche did not escape the reproduction of colonial and neocolonial narratives from discourses on “what is ours”, “latino,” “hispanic,” “catholic”, among other formulations.
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