Régimen de excepciones y limitaciones al Derecho de los Autores
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Las excepciones y limitaciones al derecho de los autores representan una parte importante de la regulación sobre la materia. En este sentido cumplen un significativo rol para atenuar la tensión existente entre los creadores y el público que pretende el más amplio acceso a las obras. Prueba de su relevancia es la celebración del Tratado de Marrakech, donde por primera vez una norma de derecho internacional ocupa su texto en forma exclusiva a dicha cuestión. Sin embargo, su reconocimiento y el alcance de la regulación, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, presentan dificultades dado las particularidades que el nuevo entorno tecnológico involucra.
The exceptions and limitations to authors’ rights is an important part of the regulation on the subject. In this sense, they play a significant role in attenuating the tension between creators and the public that seeks the widest access to the work. Proof of its relevance is the celebration of the Treaty of Marrakesh, where the first time a rule of international law occupies its text in an exclusive way to say matter. However its recognition and the scope of regulation, both nationally and internationally, the difficulties presented are the particularities that the new technological environment involves.
The exceptions and limitations to authors’ rights is an important part of the regulation on the subject. In this sense, they play a significant role in attenuating the tension between creators and the public that seeks the widest access to the work. Proof of its relevance is the celebration of the Treaty of Marrakesh, where the first time a rule of international law occupies its text in an exclusive way to say matter. However its recognition and the scope of regulation, both nationally and internationally, the difficulties presented are the particularities that the new technological environment involves.
Palabras clave
Derechos de autor, Excepciones, Limitaciones, Derechos patrimoniales, Tratado de Marrakech
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