El Cambio Climático en el Contexto de la Reforma Energética en México
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La autora analiza la reforma energética en México en el sexenio 2013 – 2018 a la luz de un análisis histórico sobre la matriz energética de dicho país, que al 2012 estaba basada en fuentes fósiles de energía: petróleo crudo y gas natural, que representaban conjuntamente cerca del 90% de la producción total de energía primaria; mientras que el aprovechamiento de energías no fósiles representaba solo el 8%. Asimismo, señala que en el periodo 2007- 2012 se generaron la mayoría de los instrumentos programáticos y normativos en materia de cambio climático, instrumentos que acompañaron la política internacional en la materia. En este sexenio 2013-2018, asevera la autora, se discute una reforma nacional estructural que incluye la reforma energética de México, que plantea la «fosilización» de la economía mexicana en aras de favorecer el crecimiento verde, que viene a constituirse en un obstáculo para que México pueda cumplir los compromisos internacionales asumidos en materia de cambio climático y transitar a una economía baja en carbono.
The author analyzes the Mexico’s energetic reform during the sexennial of 2013 to 2018. A historic study refers that Mexican energy matrix was based on fossil sources of energy as crude oil and natural gas. This represents nearly 90% of primary energy’s total production while the profit of non-fossil energy represents only 8% until 2012.Then, during the period of 2007-2012, the majority of the programmatic and normative instruments about climate change were generated. From 2013 to 2018, said the author, a national structural reform has been discussed. Thisamend includes Mexico’s energetic reform that proposes the «fossilization» of Mexican economy. This «fossilization» of the economy will favor the green growth and will constitutes itself as a barrier for Mexico’s fulfillment of international commitments assumed aboutclimate change, as well as its transition to a low carbon economy.
The author analyzes the Mexico’s energetic reform during the sexennial of 2013 to 2018. A historic study refers that Mexican energy matrix was based on fossil sources of energy as crude oil and natural gas. This represents nearly 90% of primary energy’s total production while the profit of non-fossil energy represents only 8% until 2012.Then, during the period of 2007-2012, the majority of the programmatic and normative instruments about climate change were generated. From 2013 to 2018, said the author, a national structural reform has been discussed. Thisamend includes Mexico’s energetic reform that proposes the «fossilization» of Mexican economy. This «fossilization» of the economy will favor the green growth and will constitutes itself as a barrier for Mexico’s fulfillment of international commitments assumed aboutclimate change, as well as its transition to a low carbon economy.
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