Consecuencias Jurídicas Derivadas de la Infracción a la Estabilidad Laboral de Salida por Parte del Empleador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Luego de un breve repaso conceptual de los alcances del derecho a la estabilidad laboral, su relación con otros derechos (derecho al trabajo, derecho de acceso al empleo, derecho a conservar el empleo) y su regulación constitucional, internacional y legal, así como la posición de la jurisprudencia, el autor pasa a comentar el complejo panorama que se presenta al empleador ante una decisión de despido tanto desde la óptica legal (indemnización, reposición) como jurisprudencial (indemnización por daños, reposición) añadiéndose un acápite denominado “otros” para las relatar las consecuencias administrativas que surgen de la indicada medida tanto desde la óptica laboral (SUNAFIL) como tributaria (SUNAT).
After a conceptual overview of the scope of the right to job stability, its relationship with other rights (right to work, right to access to employment, right to maintain employment) and its constitutional, international and legal regulation and the position of jurisprudence, the author goes on to discuss the complex picture presented to the employer before a decision to dismiss both from a legal perspective (compensation, replacement) and case law (damages, replacement) adding a paragraph called “others” the recount administrative consequences arising from said measure both labor (SUNAFIL) and tax (SUNAT) viewpoint.
After a conceptual overview of the scope of the right to job stability, its relationship with other rights (right to work, right to access to employment, right to maintain employment) and its constitutional, international and legal regulation and the position of jurisprudence, the author goes on to discuss the complex picture presented to the employer before a decision to dismiss both from a legal perspective (compensation, replacement) and case law (damages, replacement) adding a paragraph called “others” the recount administrative consequences arising from said measure both labor (SUNAFIL) and tax (SUNAT) viewpoint.
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