Un perfil descriptivo de las tesis de licenciatura y maestría en Educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La tesis como producto final de un proceso de formación universitaria es un objeto de estudio reciente que está cobrando importancia por su aporte a la producción científica y generación del conocimiento. Este artículo brinda un panorama descriptivo de las características de las tesis de licenciatura y maestría en Educación en relación a temáticas, metodologías y calidad de las fuentes bibliográficas. El análisis documental se realizó con una muestra de 86 tesis de licenciatura y 37 de maestría de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. Si bien las tesis de licenciatura y las de maestría tienen propósitos y alcances diferentes, los resultados revelan diferencias en los indicadores vinculados con las temáticas y metodología de la investigación; no así en los indicadores sobre el uso de las referencias bibliográficas. Ello exige que los programas definan los indicadores y estándares de calidad de las tesis para cada uno de los niveles de la formación superior universitaria.
Thesis, understood as the final product of university education, is a new study subject of increasing importance due to its contributions to science and the production of new knowledge. This article provides a detailed panorama of the characteristics of themes, methodology and quality of bibliographical sources found in undergraduate and master's theses on education. The documentary analysis is based on a sample of 86 undergraduate theses and 37 master's theses belonging to a private university in metropolitan Lima. While undergraduate and master's theses differ in aims and scope, the results yielded differences in indicators related to theme and research methodology, such not being the case regarding indicators on the use of bibliographic sources. This demands that programs define thesis quality standards and indicators for each level of university education.
Thesis, understood as the final product of university education, is a new study subject of increasing importance due to its contributions to science and the production of new knowledge. This article provides a detailed panorama of the characteristics of themes, methodology and quality of bibliographical sources found in undergraduate and master's theses on education. The documentary analysis is based on a sample of 86 undergraduate theses and 37 master's theses belonging to a private university in metropolitan Lima. While undergraduate and master's theses differ in aims and scope, the results yielded differences in indicators related to theme and research methodology, such not being the case regarding indicators on the use of bibliographic sources. This demands that programs define thesis quality standards and indicators for each level of university education.
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