Concordancias y afinidades en archivos de registros de khipus procedentes de Chachapoyas e Ica, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Relatos y narraciones en las crónicas españolas relativas a la práctica inka de mantenimiento de registros por medio de khipus (en quechua ‘nudo’) indican que estos registros y cuentas eran recopilados dentro de un sistema de "controles y balances". Cada comunidad en el imperio poseía un mínimo de cuatro «contadores» o registradores de khipus, los que, según relata el cronista Garcilaso de la Vega, llevaban y mantenían los mismos registros. Este estudio examina diversos ejemplos de registros y cuentas afines y de concordancia compartida identificados entre conjuntos de dos o tres ejemplares de khipus. La identificación de registros de khipus con afinidad y concordancia ha sido considerablemente facilitada por el reciente desarrollo de una base de datos de khipus en la Harvard University. El objetivo a largo plazo de esta investigación es la de examinar la información registrada en ejemplares de khipus procedentes de diversas zonas a lo largo y ancho del antiguo imperio inka que pudiesen representar los restos o remanentes de archivos de khipus.
Matching Accounts in the Khipu Archives of Chachapoyas and Ica, PerúAccounts from the Spanish chronicles regarding Inka record keeping practices by means of the knotted string devices called khipu ("knot") indicate that these accounts were compiled in a system of "checks and balances". Each community in the empire had a minimum of four khipu accountants, all of whom are said by the chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega to have kept the same records. This study examines several examples of matching khipu accounts identified among sets of two or three khipu samples. The identification of matching khipu accounts has been facilitated by the recent development of a khipu database at Harvard University. The long range objective of this research is to investigate the information recorded on khipu samples from various provenience zones around the former Inka empire that may represent the remains of khipu archives.
Matching Accounts in the Khipu Archives of Chachapoyas and Ica, PerúAccounts from the Spanish chronicles regarding Inka record keeping practices by means of the knotted string devices called khipu ("knot") indicate that these accounts were compiled in a system of "checks and balances". Each community in the empire had a minimum of four khipu accountants, all of whom are said by the chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega to have kept the same records. This study examines several examples of matching khipu accounts identified among sets of two or three khipu samples. The identification of matching khipu accounts has been facilitated by the recent development of a khipu database at Harvard University. The long range objective of this research is to investigate the information recorded on khipu samples from various provenience zones around the former Inka empire that may represent the remains of khipu archives.
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