Arquitectura ceremonial en Cerro Azul: el señorío de Huarco y la ocupación inca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente artículo está basado en un estudio arquitectónico del sitio arqueológico de Cerro Azul, edificado por la sociedad del señorío de Huarco (1100-1470 d.C.) y reocupado por la administración inca. La organización espacial está definida por su cercana relación con el mar y por los accidentes geográficos que lo circundan, lo que le otorga un carácter especial al paisaje en el que la arquitectura se inserta. El edificio analizado, la Estructura I, da pautas para comprender una cosmovisión donde los espacios debieron diseñarse en función de eventos rituales consistentes.
Ceremonial Architecture at Cerro Azul: The Huarco Polity and Inca OccupationThis article is an architectonic study of the archeological site of Cerro Azul, which was constructed and occupied by the Kingdom de Huarco from approx. 1100-1470 A.D. and reoccupied by the administration of the Inca empire. The unique architecture of the site was adapted to its seaside setting and its geographical surroundings. The part of the building analyzed here —Structure I— provides an example for allowing us to understand the cosmological vision, including its ritual functions, on the basis of which this site was laid out.
Ceremonial Architecture at Cerro Azul: The Huarco Polity and Inca OccupationThis article is an architectonic study of the archeological site of Cerro Azul, which was constructed and occupied by the Kingdom de Huarco from approx. 1100-1470 A.D. and reoccupied by the administration of the Inca empire. The unique architecture of the site was adapted to its seaside setting and its geographical surroundings. The part of the building analyzed here —Structure I— provides an example for allowing us to understand the cosmological vision, including its ritual functions, on the basis of which this site was laid out.
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