El Edificio de los Frisos de Ánimas Altas. Ser paracas en el valle bajo de Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo, se presentan y se discuten los resultados de las recientes investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el marco del Programa Arqueológico Ánimas Altas, Ica, Perú. Se enfatizan las excavaciones realizadas en un edificio decorado con frisos. El análisis de la cultura material de este edificio —en particular, de los íconos plasmados en los frisos— ofrece algunas interpretaciones no solamente respecto a la simbología y cosmovisión paracas; también, arroja luces sobre aspectos relacionados con dinámicas identitarias y territoriales de las formaciones sociales paracas en el valle bajo de Ica. Los íconos plasmados en los frisos apoyan la idea según la cual las interacciones de los paracas no se limitaron a la sierra adyacente. Más aún, existen nexos con la costa norte y central desde épocas remotas que quedan por investigar. Las variacionesestilísticas y tecnológicas observadas en el Edificio de los Frisos —que no se manifiestan en diacronía— pueden revelar varios fenómenos, entre ellos, la ocupación del territorio por varios grupos que formaron entidades sociopolíticas en la época Paracas Tardío. Las comparaciones entre los datos proporcionados por las excavaciones del Edificio de los Frisos con los de otros sitios permitirán formular interpretaciones e hipótesis sobre el espacio político y cultural de los paracas.
This paper presents and discusses the results of recent investigations carried out by the Ánimas Altas Archaeological Program, in the Ica department, southern Peru. A particular emphasis is put on the excavations conducted at a frieze-decorated building. The analysis of the material culture registered in this building, particularly of the icons depicted on the friezes, not only offers some interpretations regarding Paracas symbology and cosmovision but also sheds lights on critical aspects related to identity as well as the territorial dynamics of the Paracas social formations from the lower section of the Ica valley. Furthermore, imagery depicted on friezes support the idea that social interactions promoted by the Paracas were not limited to the adjacent highland. Even more, potential links with the north and central coast from remote timesneed to be further investigated. The stylistic and technological variations registered at the «Building of Friezes» – which are not diachronically manifested, can reveal diverse phenomena such as the occupation of the territory by several groups that gave shape to socio-political identities in Late Paracas times. The comparison between the data obtained from the excavation at the «Building of Frizes» and other Paracas sites´will allow Paracas scholars to formulate interpretations and hypotheses about both the political and cultural spaces of the ancient Paracas.
This paper presents and discusses the results of recent investigations carried out by the Ánimas Altas Archaeological Program, in the Ica department, southern Peru. A particular emphasis is put on the excavations conducted at a frieze-decorated building. The analysis of the material culture registered in this building, particularly of the icons depicted on the friezes, not only offers some interpretations regarding Paracas symbology and cosmovision but also sheds lights on critical aspects related to identity as well as the territorial dynamics of the Paracas social formations from the lower section of the Ica valley. Furthermore, imagery depicted on friezes support the idea that social interactions promoted by the Paracas were not limited to the adjacent highland. Even more, potential links with the north and central coast from remote timesneed to be further investigated. The stylistic and technological variations registered at the «Building of Friezes» – which are not diachronically manifested, can reveal diverse phenomena such as the occupation of the territory by several groups that gave shape to socio-political identities in Late Paracas times. The comparison between the data obtained from the excavation at the «Building of Frizes» and other Paracas sites´will allow Paracas scholars to formulate interpretations and hypotheses about both the political and cultural spaces of the ancient Paracas.
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