Producción tecnológica e identidad durante el dominio incaico en el Noroeste Argentino
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La dominación incaica en el valle de Yocavil del Noroeste Argentino implicó una espinosa articulación entre el poder central y el de las formaciones sociales complejas locales. Considerando a la producción tecnológica como un campo adecuado para explorar las formas y resultados del enfrentamiento entre los intereses estatales y los de los sectores subordinados, se analizan algunos aspectos de los cambios y continuidades en la metalurgia y alfarería santamarianas, tanto en sus aspectos técnicos como expresivos. De dicho análisis se desprende que, así como la circulación de materiales asociados al imperio operó por canales restringidos, el "modo de hacer" tradicional, en términos amplios, mantuvo vigencia. Interpretando la evidencia en el marco de fenómenos de resistencia cultural, se propone que, para alcanzar los objetivos programados para la región, los administradores estatales debieron respetar determinados elementos del sistema de representaciones autóctono, a su vez vinculados con cualidades organizativas de las formaciones sociales.
Technological Production and Identity during the Inka Domination in Northwestern ArgentinaInka domination in the Yocavil valley of Northwestern Argentina implied a complex articulation between central and local social formations power. Using technology production as the field to explore ways and results of struggle between state and subordinated sector interests, we analize some aspects of the changes and continuities in Santa Maria metallurgy and pottery in their technical and expressive aspects. From such analysis, we conclude that, as the circulation of material within the empire operated by restricted channels, the traditional forms of production persisted. Interpreting evidence from the perspective of cultural resistence, we propose that, in order to achieve production targets for the region, state administrators must have respected some elements of the local system of representation that were related to the specific organizational qualities of social formations in the region.
Technological Production and Identity during the Inka Domination in Northwestern ArgentinaInka domination in the Yocavil valley of Northwestern Argentina implied a complex articulation between central and local social formations power. Using technology production as the field to explore ways and results of struggle between state and subordinated sector interests, we analize some aspects of the changes and continuities in Santa Maria metallurgy and pottery in their technical and expressive aspects. From such analysis, we conclude that, as the circulation of material within the empire operated by restricted channels, the traditional forms of production persisted. Interpreting evidence from the perspective of cultural resistence, we propose that, in order to achieve production targets for the region, state administrators must have respected some elements of the local system of representation that were related to the specific organizational qualities of social formations in the region.
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