Aproximación a la imagen real de "los incas de privilegio"
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente trabajo trata de aclarar la imagen de una categoría social en el Estado incaico, llamada "incas de privilegio", analizando principalmente las crónicas indígenas. Es claro que casi todos los historiadores o etnohistoriadores coinciden en afirmar que los incas de privilegio desempeñaban algún papel en el mantenimiento de la dominación del Estado incaico, pero no precisan su razón de ser en dicho Estado. Naturalmente, eso se debe principalmente a la falta de noticias sobre ellos en los documentos o crónicas, y a que la mayoría de estas pocas noticias son muy vagas. Pero, para aclarar mucho más la realidad histórica de la expansión del dominio del Estado incaico en los Andes, es innegable e indispensable desarrollar la investigación sobre la función social y política de los incas de privilegio. En este trabajo, por ello, se pretende demostrar sus características a través del análisis de las crónicas y a manera de ensayo, con la esperanza de que su estudio sea profundizado por los arqueólogos y los antropólogos.
Approach to the True Image of the "Incas by Privilege"This study aims at clarifying the identity of one special social category in the Inca state, "the Incas by privilege". Historians and cultural anthropologists have argued that the Incas by privilege played a part in the maintenance of domination by the Incas, but they do not explain the reason(s) for the existence of this category of people. This is due to the scarcity and ambiguity of information about them in the historical documents. However, in order to clarify the historical processes of the territorial expansion of the Inca state, it is essential to advance research on the social and political function of the Incas by privilege. This study undertakes such an analysis by discussing some of the central characteristics of this group of people as they are described and characterized in the chronicles.
Approach to the True Image of the "Incas by Privilege"This study aims at clarifying the identity of one special social category in the Inca state, "the Incas by privilege". Historians and cultural anthropologists have argued that the Incas by privilege played a part in the maintenance of domination by the Incas, but they do not explain the reason(s) for the existence of this category of people. This is due to the scarcity and ambiguity of information about them in the historical documents. However, in order to clarify the historical processes of the territorial expansion of the Inca state, it is essential to advance research on the social and political function of the Incas by privilege. This study undertakes such an analysis by discussing some of the central characteristics of this group of people as they are described and characterized in the chronicles.
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