Ley moral y ley política en la mitología griega: el casi Prometeo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer al lector un recorrido por las más signifi cativas interpretaciones del mito de Prometeo, intentando, a la luz del contenido de las mismas, contribuir al esclarecimiento de la relación entre ley moral y ley política. En particular, se trata de poner de relieve cómo hay en la actitud de Prometeo algo que delata la presencia de una conciencia, fuertemente individualizada, cuyo dictado le conduce a asumir el choque con el poder en su máxima expresión. Por otro lado, se analizan las diferentes interpretaciones del concepto griego de Ley, estudiando cómo la máxima expresión de la misma es deudora de la idea de destino. En base a la Ley, se establece un orden común, que enlaza a dioses y hombres, si bien no con los mismos grados de sujeción.
The aim of this work is to offer the reader a tour through the most significant interpretations of the Prometheus myth, attempting to contribute from their standpoint to the clarification of the relationship between moral law and political law. In especial, it aims to highlight in Prometheus’s attitude something that betrays the presence of a strongly individualized conscience, whose dictates lead him to clash with power in its highest expression. On the other hand, different interpretations of the Greek concept of law are examined, where its highest expression is indebted to the idea of destiny. Based on Law, a common order that connects gods and humans is established, although not with the same degrees of subjection.
The aim of this work is to offer the reader a tour through the most significant interpretations of the Prometheus myth, attempting to contribute from their standpoint to the clarification of the relationship between moral law and political law. In especial, it aims to highlight in Prometheus’s attitude something that betrays the presence of a strongly individualized conscience, whose dictates lead him to clash with power in its highest expression. On the other hand, different interpretations of the Greek concept of law are examined, where its highest expression is indebted to the idea of destiny. Based on Law, a common order that connects gods and humans is established, although not with the same degrees of subjection.
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