Fuentes fenomenológicas de la noción de persona: su discusión en Husserl, Scheler y Heidegger
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El artículo pretende reconstruir la argumentación que Heidegger desarrolla sobre el concepto de persona en algunos pasajes del § 10 de Ser y tiempo. En esos breves pasajes, Heidegger comenta positivamente la noción de persona desplegada por Husserl y Scheler en el marco del movimiento fenomenológico. En consecuencia, en el artículo me concentro en identificar y comentar los principales argumentos de las Ideas II de Husserl y de la Ética y el Libro sobre la simpatía de Scheler, a partir de los cuales es posible sostener la conocida tesis según la cual la persona no es cosa ni sustancia. Finalmente, bosquejo algunos matices que se dan entre los autores respecto de la noción de persona.
Phenomenological Sources for the Concept of Person: their Discussion in the Works of Husserl, Scheler and Heidegger”. The article sets out to reconstruct the arguments that are developed by Heidegger on the concept of the person in some passages of § 10 of Being and Time. In those brief passages, Heidegger comments positively on the concept of the person as elucidated by Husserl and Scheler in the framework of the phenomenological movement. Consequently, in the article, I focus on identifying and commenting on the principal arguments of Husserl’s Ideas II and Scheler’s Ethics and Book of Sympathy, from which it is possible to hold the known thesis that the person is neither object, nor substance. Finally, I explore some of the different shades presented by the authors regarding the concept of the person.
Phenomenological Sources for the Concept of Person: their Discussion in the Works of Husserl, Scheler and Heidegger”. The article sets out to reconstruct the arguments that are developed by Heidegger on the concept of the person in some passages of § 10 of Being and Time. In those brief passages, Heidegger comments positively on the concept of the person as elucidated by Husserl and Scheler in the framework of the phenomenological movement. Consequently, in the article, I focus on identifying and commenting on the principal arguments of Husserl’s Ideas II and Scheler’s Ethics and Book of Sympathy, from which it is possible to hold the known thesis that the person is neither object, nor substance. Finally, I explore some of the different shades presented by the authors regarding the concept of the person.
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