Heidegger et l' arete
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La palabra areté no figura en Ser y tiempo, que sin embargo usa un gran número de términos griegos. Según el índice más reciente, las lecciones de Marburgo, que marcan la génesis del libro de 1927, no la utilizan tampoco aún cuando ellas tratan de textos griegos en los que el uso de la palabra areté es frecuente. Solamente el curso de 1924 sobre El Sofista de Platón utiliza la palabra, aunque muy escasamente,en su introducción que trata sobre la Ética a Nicómaco. El artículo se propone dilucidar esta discreción. Ella se debe a una absorción deliberadade la ética en la ontología.
The word arete is not found in Being and time, even though it uses a large number of Greek terms. According to the most recent index, the Marbourg lectures that mark the genesis of the 1927 work, do not use it either. Nevertheless, they deal with Greek texts in which the use of the word arete is frequent. Only the 1924 course on Plato's The Sophistuses the word, rarely in its introduction that deals with the Nichomachean Ethics. This paper intends to elucidate this discretion. It is due to a deliberate absorption of ethics into ontology.
The word arete is not found in Being and time, even though it uses a large number of Greek terms. According to the most recent index, the Marbourg lectures that mark the genesis of the 1927 work, do not use it either. Nevertheless, they deal with Greek texts in which the use of the word arete is frequent. Only the 1924 course on Plato's The Sophistuses the word, rarely in its introduction that deals with the Nichomachean Ethics. This paper intends to elucidate this discretion. It is due to a deliberate absorption of ethics into ontology.
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