Pensar por figuras. Esbozo de una semiótica mixta en el antiguo México
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
A partir de la noción de regímenes de signos, propuesta por Deleuze y Guattari, la semiótica se concibe como una pragmática general donde se articula el conjunto de los sistemas de signos. Desde esa perspectiva, el presente artículo trata de ver cómo el sacrificio del corazón y la pulsión antropofágica, que identifican las grandes culturas prehispánicas de Mesoamérica, pueden ser proyectados como plano de contenido de una semiótica mixta a escala imperial. Numerosos estudiosos y eruditos han intentado postular, a partir de allí, una estructura simbólica fundamental de la cultura maya o azteca. Nosotros simplemente queremos describir ciertos enunciados rituales -donde coinciden los textos etnográficos de Sahagún y las escrituras legadas por los aztecas- a fin de comprender el rol de lo que Lyotard llama figural''. para otros lo prejudicativo, en el pensamiento delos antiguos mexicanos.
From the standpoint of the regime of signs, proposed by Deleuze and Guattart. semiotics is understood as general pragmatics where the set of the systems of signs is articulated. From that perspective. this paper attempts to discus show the heart sacrifice and the anthropophagic pulsion, identified in the great pre-Hispanic cultures of Central America. can be projected as a plane of contents in a mixed semiotics to imperial scale. A number of scholars and academics have tried to postulate, from there, a fundamental symbolic structure of the Maya and Aztec cultures. We only wish to describe certain ritual-statements. where there is a coincidence between Sahagún's ethnographictexts and the writings left by the Aztecs. in arder to understand the role of what Lyotard calls 'figural', for others the pre-propositional, in the thought of ancient Mexicans.
From the standpoint of the regime of signs, proposed by Deleuze and Guattart. semiotics is understood as general pragmatics where the set of the systems of signs is articulated. From that perspective. this paper attempts to discus show the heart sacrifice and the anthropophagic pulsion, identified in the great pre-Hispanic cultures of Central America. can be projected as a plane of contents in a mixed semiotics to imperial scale. A number of scholars and academics have tried to postulate, from there, a fundamental symbolic structure of the Maya and Aztec cultures. We only wish to describe certain ritual-statements. where there is a coincidence between Sahagún's ethnographictexts and the writings left by the Aztecs. in arder to understand the role of what Lyotard calls 'figural', for others the pre-propositional, in the thought of ancient Mexicans.
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