La religión en Wittgenstein. Estudio de las Clases sobre creencia religiosa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente artículo es una reflexión acerca de lo religioso en la obra de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Lo interesante del problema es que si uno revisa sus obras más importantes, lo que podría aparecer es que no es posible hablar de lo religioso. Sin embargo, si uno dirige la mirada a aquellos escritos que pertenecen al llamado segundo Wittgenstein descubre que no sólo no deja de hablar sobre lo religioso, sino que es la época donde más ha hablado de ello. Una mirada a sus lecciones sobre creencia religiosa, dictadas en 1938, dentro del espectro semántico de los juegos de lenguaje, nos va a permitir enfocar cómo es legítimo hablar de Dios y de la experiencia religiosa.
This paper ponders upon the religious phenomenon in Ludwig Wittgenstein's work. Reviewing his most important publications, it seems that it is not possible to speak about the religious domain. Nevertheless, the works belonging to the so-called second Wittgenstein not only speak about the nature of the religious, but are also the ones in which Wittgenstein most speaks about it. A glance at his 1938 lesson son religious belief, within the semantic spectrum of language games, will enable us to focus on the legitimacy of speaking about God and religious experience.
This paper ponders upon the religious phenomenon in Ludwig Wittgenstein's work. Reviewing his most important publications, it seems that it is not possible to speak about the religious domain. Nevertheless, the works belonging to the so-called second Wittgenstein not only speak about the nature of the religious, but are also the ones in which Wittgenstein most speaks about it. A glance at his 1938 lesson son religious belief, within the semantic spectrum of language games, will enable us to focus on the legitimacy of speaking about God and religious experience.
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