Matemáticas, unidad sintética y a priori constitutivo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Partiendo del énfasis sobre la idea kantiana de originaria unidadsintética de apercepción como la función básica sobre la cual descansa laproducción de todo juicio sintético, en este artículo defiendo la idea de a prioriconstitutivo de la experiencia bajo la forma de un principio sintético semejantepero esencialmente formal, a saber, el concepto de transformación y grupo detransformaciones. Paralelamente, intento mostrar, también, que Kant se inspiró,para articular su propia concepción, en las matemáticas, especialmente en lageometría sintética.
Mathematics, synthetic unity and constitutive a priori”. Startingfrom the emphasis about the kantian idea of the originary synthetic unity ofapperception like the basic function on which rest the production of all syntheticjudgment, in this paper I defend the idea of constitutive a priori of experienceunder the form of a similar synthetic principle but essentially formal, namely,the concept of transformation and group of transformations. To the same time,I try to show that Kant himself inspired, for articulate his own position, onmathematics, especially on synthetic geometry
Mathematics, synthetic unity and constitutive a priori”. Startingfrom the emphasis about the kantian idea of the originary synthetic unity ofapperception like the basic function on which rest the production of all syntheticjudgment, in this paper I defend the idea of constitutive a priori of experienceunder the form of a similar synthetic principle but essentially formal, namely,the concept of transformation and group of transformations. To the same time,I try to show that Kant himself inspired, for articulate his own position, onmathematics, especially on synthetic geometry
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