Crisis, filosofía y virtud. Sobre la vigencia actual de la areté
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Crisis significa el momento culminante de un proceso de riesgo. momento en el que todo puede perder se o ganarse. A partir de este supuesto. la investigación descubre tres niveles de crisis de la cultura occidental. Dichos niveles conciernen a la orientación, el crecimiento y el fundamento de individuos. grupos e instituciones. Las ciencias la praxissocio-política y la filosofía son tocadas por las crisis de diversa manera. En los filósofos son visibles aquellos tres niveles, fenómeno de indudable fuerza heurística pues permite encontrar relevancia concreta al concepto de areté. En efecto. su sentido presente se articula desde la filosofía en tanto punto de concentración de la crisis contemporánea.
Crisis means the culminating moment of a risk process. in which everything can be lost or found. Starting from that premiss. this paper points out three levels of Western culture's crisis. These levels concern the orientation, the growth and the foundation of individuals. groups and institutions. The crisis in different ways touches sciences. social political praxis and philosophy. Those three levels of crisis are visible in the philosophers, a phenomenon of undoubtable heuristic strength, since it enables one to find concrete relevance in the notion of arete. Indeed, philosophy understands its present sense as a concentration point of contemporary crisis.
Crisis means the culminating moment of a risk process. in which everything can be lost or found. Starting from that premiss. this paper points out three levels of Western culture's crisis. These levels concern the orientation, the growth and the foundation of individuals. groups and institutions. The crisis in different ways touches sciences. social political praxis and philosophy. Those three levels of crisis are visible in the philosophers, a phenomenon of undoubtable heuristic strength, since it enables one to find concrete relevance in the notion of arete. Indeed, philosophy understands its present sense as a concentration point of contemporary crisis.
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