El problema del objeto de la matemática como sustancia inteligible en la Metafísica de Aristóteles
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La autora aborda el problema de los entes matemáticos intermedios analizando MetafiSica l017a9-l4, por ser este pasaje, simultáneamente, fuente ycrítica de la teoría que Aristóteles atribuye a Platón. El objetivo es identificar cuatro puntos de orientación que ofrezcan una base para el diálogo entre las encontradas posiciones respecto del problema. Gracias a ellos, se pone de manifiesto que Aristóteles aborda la cuestión de la naturaleza inteligible de los entes matemáticos recortándola -con el bisturí del aparato conceptual de su propia ousiología- de la perspectiva mucho más ampliade Platón. Al romper la continuidad entre matemática y dialéctica. Aristótelesreduce y demuele la imagen de la concepción matemática de Platón.
The A. examines the problem of intermediat emathematical entities by analyzing Metaphysics l017a9-l4, since, according to Aristotle. this passage is both a source and a critique of Plato's theory. The goal is to identify four cardinal points that may ground a dialogue between two contesting positions regarding this problem. Through them, it becomes evident that Aristotle severs the question of the intelligible nature of mathematical entities by using the conceptual scalpel of his own ousiology from Plato's broader stand point. By severing the continuity between mathematics and dialectics, Aristotle reduces and demolishes the image of Plato's mathematical conception.
The A. examines the problem of intermediat emathematical entities by analyzing Metaphysics l017a9-l4, since, according to Aristotle. this passage is both a source and a critique of Plato's theory. The goal is to identify four cardinal points that may ground a dialogue between two contesting positions regarding this problem. Through them, it becomes evident that Aristotle severs the question of the intelligible nature of mathematical entities by using the conceptual scalpel of his own ousiology from Plato's broader stand point. By severing the continuity between mathematics and dialectics, Aristotle reduces and demolishes the image of Plato's mathematical conception.
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