El desarrollo tecnológico en la historia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Desde sus orígenes, la especie humana se ha caracterizado por suhabilidad para la elaboración de herramientas y artefactos de diversa índole.Este artículo constituye una introducción a la pregunta por la lógica deldesarrollo tecnológico en la historia de Occidente. La cuestión central que eltexto aborda es esta: ¿La técnica se desarrolla por vía revolucionaria o por víaevolutiva? ¿Progresa mediante saltos bruscos súbitos o mediante cambiospaulatinos lentos? El artículo consta de tres partes. En la primera, reseñamoslas interpretaciones revolucionaria y evolutiva de la historia de la técnica;enseguida, reconstruimos la tipología que propone Serres para caracterizar eldesarrollo tecnológico mediante un modelo que supera la dicotomía revolución/evolución; al final, mostramos cómo estas aproximaciones a la historia de latécnica inciden en la formulación de las teorías del cambio tecnológico.
Technological Development in History. From its origins, the human species has been characterized by its ability to develop tools and artifacts of various kinds. This article provides an introduction to the question about the logic of technological development in Western history. The central question that the article addresses is: are techniques developed through the revolutionary or evolutionary path? Does it progress through sudden or abrupt jumps, or through slow incremental changes? The article is divided into three parts. In the first, we summarize the interpretations of the revolutionary and evolutionary history of technology. Next, we reconstruct the typology proposed by Serres to characterize technological development through a model that overcomes the dichotomy revolution / evolution. Finally, we show how these approaches to the history of technology influence the formulation of theories of technological change.
Technological Development in History. From its origins, the human species has been characterized by its ability to develop tools and artifacts of various kinds. This article provides an introduction to the question about the logic of technological development in Western history. The central question that the article addresses is: are techniques developed through the revolutionary or evolutionary path? Does it progress through sudden or abrupt jumps, or through slow incremental changes? The article is divided into three parts. In the first, we summarize the interpretations of the revolutionary and evolutionary history of technology. Next, we reconstruct the typology proposed by Serres to characterize technological development through a model that overcomes the dichotomy revolution / evolution. Finally, we show how these approaches to the history of technology influence the formulation of theories of technological change.
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