Ser, ciencia y lógica en el Siglo de Oro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En los siglos XVI y XVII los lógicos hispanos e hispanoamericanos trabajaron con una compleja teoría de los tipos para explicar las diversas clases de entidades denotadas o significadas en el lenguaje. A. de la Vera Cruz y sus colegas plantearon un sistema lógico de muchas clases donde las sentencias generales eran reducibles a hileras de entidades cuyos términos referían a cosas singulares, el mismo que les permitió un análisis semántico básico. A. Rubio,asimismo, desarrolló una teoría del lenguaje científico y la aplicó a la lógica misma, definiendo las proposiciones de la lógica como atribuciones de un segundo orden mental, propiedades relativas a contenidos de primer orden, atribuibles ellos mismos a objetos singulares.
Spanish and Spanish-American logicians of the 16th and 17th centuries worked with a complex theory of typesto account for the various kinds of beings denoted or signified in language. A. de la Vera Cruz and his colleagues supposed a many-sorted logical system where general sentences are reducible to strings of identities whose terms refer to singular things and which lend themselves to basic semantic analysis.A. Rubio worked out a theory of scientific language and applied it to logic itself, defining propositions of logic as attributions of second-ordermental relational properties to first order contents, themselves attribut able to singular objects.
Spanish and Spanish-American logicians of the 16th and 17th centuries worked with a complex theory of typesto account for the various kinds of beings denoted or signified in language. A. de la Vera Cruz and his colleagues supposed a many-sorted logical system where general sentences are reducible to strings of identities whose terms refer to singular things and which lend themselves to basic semantic analysis.A. Rubio worked out a theory of scientific language and applied it to logic itself, defining propositions of logic as attributions of second-ordermental relational properties to first order contents, themselves attribut able to singular objects.
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