Justicia social en clave de capacidades y reconocimiento
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La teoría del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth es un intento de crearuna visión ampliada de la justicia social e interpreta los problemas distributivoscomo problemas de reconocimiento. Este artículo analiza, sin embargo, las insuicienciasde la teoría de Honneth al momento de abordar la justicia distributiva,y propone que la misma puede ser complementada con la base informacionalque propone el enfoque de las capacidades de Amartya Sen y Martha Nussbaum.A su vez, se sugiere cómo tal enfoque puede ser enriquecido por la teoría delreconocimiento de Honneth y se ofrece una estrategia teórica para que ambosmodelos puedan operar juntos en la evaluación de la justicia.
Social Justice in Terms of Capabilities and Recognition”. Axel Honneth’sTheory of Recognition is an attempt to create a widened vision of social justice.This theory interprets distributive problems as problems of recognition. Thepresent paper analyses, however, the laws of Honneth’s theory when addressingdistributive justice and claims that this theory can be complemented by theinformational basis proposed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s CapabilityApproach. Furthermore, it suggests how such approach can be enriched byHonneth’s Theory of Recognition and offers a theoretical strategy that allows forboth models to work together in the assessment of justice.
Social Justice in Terms of Capabilities and Recognition”. Axel Honneth’sTheory of Recognition is an attempt to create a widened vision of social justice.This theory interprets distributive problems as problems of recognition. Thepresent paper analyses, however, the laws of Honneth’s theory when addressingdistributive justice and claims that this theory can be complemented by theinformational basis proposed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s CapabilityApproach. Furthermore, it suggests how such approach can be enriched byHonneth’s Theory of Recognition and offers a theoretical strategy that allows forboth models to work together in the assessment of justice.
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