Asclepiadaeum: un poema latino del Perú colonial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El rol que jugó el latín como lengua de cultura y prestigio en las colonias españolas en América no ha sido estudiado a fondo. Especialmente en el caso del virreinato del Perú, la escasez de documentos ha impedido realizar investigaciones detalladas en este campo. En este trabajo analizo la importancia del latín en las zonas urbanas de la sociedad colonial peruana sobre la base de documentos escritos por autores peruanos y publicados en el virreinato del Perú hasta principios del siglo XIX. Entre estos, y por sucarácter único, destaca Asclepiadaeum, un poema en honor del virrey De la Pezuela, quien arribó a Lima en 1816.
The role that Latin played as the language of culture and prestige in the Spanish colonies of America has not been studied in depth. Especially, in the case of the viceroyalty of Peru, the lack of documents has prevented detailed research in this area. In this paper I analyze the importance of Latin in urban areas of Peru´s colonial society based on documents written by Peruvian authors and published in the viceroyalty of Peru up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among these, and because of its unique nature, the Asclepiadaeum, a poem in honor of the Viceroy de la Pezuela, who arrived in Lima in 1816, stands out
The role that Latin played as the language of culture and prestige in the Spanish colonies of America has not been studied in depth. Especially, in the case of the viceroyalty of Peru, the lack of documents has prevented detailed research in this area. In this paper I analyze the importance of Latin in urban areas of Peru´s colonial society based on documents written by Peruvian authors and published in the viceroyalty of Peru up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among these, and because of its unique nature, the Asclepiadaeum, a poem in honor of the Viceroy de la Pezuela, who arrived in Lima in 1816, stands out
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