Estudios de Filosofía

URI permanente para esta comunidad

e-ISSN: 2409-1596

Estudios de Filosofía es una revista de periodicidad anual, editada por el Seminario de Filosofía del Instituto Riva-Agüero, escuela de altos estudios humanísticos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, y elaborada con el esfuerzo conjunto de profesores y estudiantes de Filosofía de esta universidad. Se publica por primera vez en 1975; a partir de 2009, la revista se publica de forma exclusivamente electrónica.

Su objetivo es difundir textos originales e inéditos, principalmente -aunque no de modo exclusivo- de quienes se inician en la investigación. Se incluyen artículos, traducciones, estudios críticos, reseñas, entrevistas, notas bibliográficas y noticias de actividades filosóficas diversas.

Todos los artículos presentados a la revista son sometidos a un proceso de arbitraje doble ciego realizado por pares nacionales.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 7 de 7
  • Ítem
    El problema mente-cuerpo y el dualismo naturalista: bases para considerar rechazar un acercamiento naturalista y reconsiderar seriamente un acercamiento fenomenológico al problema de la conciencia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2019-12-13) Noejovich, Emily
    The present paper aims at setting an hermeneutic analysis of the main concepts Chalmers’ interpretation on the mind-body problem is built upon. Our reflection aims at criticizing Chalmers’ position and given that the structure of his interpretation reflects a philosophical tradition; that is, it reproduces a type of approach, we believe that the ineffectiveness of his approach is reason enough to reconsider another type of approach towards the same problem: the one provided by the phenomenological tradition.
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    El acontecimiento de la verdad en la fenomenología ontológica de Jean-Paul Sartre
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2019-12-13) Cotrina Cosar, Juan Pablo
    This article aims to shed light on the idea of truth in Jean-Paul Sartre’s ontological phenomenology from his posthumous book, Truth and Existence (1989). For this, we will divide our work into four parts: the first will approach the idea of truth as a revelation of Being to human reality; the second will analyze how a denial of truth is possible from the possibilities of ignorance and error; the third will focus on explaining how the truth unveiled by a human reality opens towards universalization; and the fourth will show that all truth, by the fact of being intersubjective, is part of the process of historicalization of human reality.
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    Apuntes fenomenológicos sobre el perdón. Conversaciones entre la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty y el libro Los rendidos de José Carlos Agüero
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2015-12-01) Mansilla, Katherine
    This paper seeks to show the proximity between the phenomenologicalreflection that Merleau-Ponty presents in the article “The War Has Taken Place” (1945), and the stories of Jose Carlos Agüero, in his book, Los rendidos (The Surrendered) (2015). From a phenomenological perspective (pre-reflective), both authors describe the experience of pain, shame and forgiveness as the pursuit of freedom and justice. The text is divided into two parts. In the first part, we present discourses of justice which were established after the Peruvian armed conflict (1980-2000) and the need of exercising the phenomenological “epochè” in order to describe the feelings of terror and shame that underlie as background of this shared experience. In the second part, supported by Merleau Ponty’s concepts of intersubjectivity and historicity, we define freedom as the pursuit of justice, which can only be understood at the primordialaction of being in relation with others, from which we give meaning to the past.
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    Evidencia y explicitación. La fundamentación fenomenológica según Scheler y Ricoeur
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2013-11-29) Ascárate, Luz
    En este artículo, presentaremos la concepción de fundamentación fenomenológicaa partir del diálogo entre Scheler y Ricoeur. Para ambos autores, al igual que para Husserl, la fundamentación constituye la labor primordial de la fenomenología, si bien, para Scheler, la fenomenología es una actitud y, para Ricoeur, es un método. Así pues, en primer lugar, mostramos de qué modo sus concepciones de fenomenología, si bien son distintas, son ambas correlativas al concepto de fundamentación en el sentido de “hacer evidente”, por medio de una reducción que apunta a una experiencia originaria, vivida siempre en primera persona. En segundo lugar, abordaremos en qué sentido la labor de fundamentación para ambos autores no puede comprenderse sin una labor de explicitación que forma parte de la fundamentación, lo cual justifica el que podamos hablar de un diálogo entre ambos y nos permite resaltar el aporte de este diálogo para el debate filosófico contemporáneo.
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    Fenomenología del embarazo y la ética del aborto
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2018-12-10) Svenaeus, Fredrik
    In this article I investigate the ways in which phenomenology could guide our views on the rights and/or wrongs of abortion. To my knowledge, very few phenomenologists have directed their attention to this issue, although quite a few have strived to better understand and articulate the strongly related themes of pregnancy and birth, most often in the context of feminist philosophy. After introducing the ethical and political contemporary debate concerning abortion, I introduce phenomenology in the context of medicine, and the way phenomenologists have understood the human body as lived and experienced by its owner. I turn then to the issue of pregnancy and discuss how the embryo or foetus could appear for us, particularly from the perspective of the pregnant woman, and what such showing up would mean from an ethical perspective. The way medical technology has changed the experience of pregnancy –for the pregnant woman, as well as for the father and/or other close ones– is discussed, particularly the implementation of early obstetric ultra-sound screening and blood test (NIPT) for Down’s syndrome and other medical defects. I conclude the article by suggesting that phenomenology can help us to negotiate a higher time-limit for legal abortion and, also, provide ways to determine which embryo-foetus defects to look for, and in which cases these should be looked upon as good reasons for performing an abortion.
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    Intencionalidad y facticidad en el estar vuelto hacia la muerte. Una aproximación a la continuidad y la novedad de la hermenéutica respecto a la fenomenología husserliana a partir del Primer Capítulo de la Segunda Sección de Ser y tiempo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2015-12-01) Sandoval Ganoza, Rodrigo Yllaric
    Starting from an analysis of Heidegger’s consideration of the being-toward-death phenomenon, we establish a link between two fundamental axes for hermeneutic phenomenology: intentionality and facticity. We argue that the only possible comprehension of being-toward-death must to be understood before the modern object/ subject division and at the margin of any realistic or idealistic premises. Furthermore, we propose to understand the emergence of hermeneutics as an “immanent critique” to Husserlian transcendentalism. The ultimate purpose of this short paper is to bridge some gaps between transcendental phenomenology and hermeneutics.
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    El señor absoluto como superación de la inmediatez en la Fenomenología del espíritu
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2016-12-01) Mansilla, Katherine
    This article analyses the Hegelian notion of death, presented in the Phenomenology of Spirit. In this work, Hegel names death the “absolute master” and this idea appears in two different sections of the text. The first mention of the absolute master is in the death struggle for recognition (self-consciousness), whereby the slave, who is aware of death and due to it experiments the anguish of its arrival, abandons the struggle to live at the service of his master. Thus, overcoming his own fear of death, the slave finds in its expression the transformation of the world. The second mention takes place in the analysis of the terror lived during the French Revolution. In this part, Hegel describes how the abstraction of absolute freedom is imposed upon all citizens, generating death and terror among individuals. In both experiences that the subjects (the slave and the citizens) respectively face, death appears as an experience that opens us to reflection and allows us to overcome immediacy.