Tesis y Trabajos de Investigación PUCP

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Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Ítem
    Nonlinear adaptive observer design for a reverse osmosis plant
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-11) Korder, Kristina; Pérez Zúñiga, Carlos Gustavo
    This thesis proposes a novel approach for a nonlinear adaptive observer design applied to a reverse osmosis desalination plant. The considered mathematical model of the de- salination system includes nonlinearities of the states and the parameters that cannot be handled with previously published estimation methods which are based on the mod- ulating function technique. Therefore, the proposed real-time capable approach uses a decoupled parameter estimator and state observer. These estimates can be utilized for developing a controller or a fault detection system of the desalination plant with the aim of improving the quality and effort of fresh water production. The parameter estimator is composed of a convolution filter with modulating func- tions and the common Extended Kalman-Bucy Filter in order to estimate nonlinear parameters of a state-linear input/output relation. To receive a regression form of the nonlinear system for the state observer and to avoid the necessity of time-derivatives of the measured input and output signals, a linearization by means of the Taylor se- ries and the modulating function technique are applied. The estimates can be non- asymptotically obtained by using a sliding window of finite length. This procedure allows a continuous and recursive update of the state estimates and extends the possi- ble applications of the modulating function technique to nonlinear systems. Comparative simulations are executed with the considered nonlinear system of a reverse osmosis desalination plant. Distinct scenarios with respect to the parameter change and the impact of noise are examined. The parameter and state coupled Ex- tended Kalman-Bucy Filter shows an asymptotic convergence of its estimates, whereas the decoupled proposed adaptive observer confirms its non-asymptotic behavior by fast estimation results.
  • Ítem
    Diseño de un estimulador para generar la succión en recién nacidos prematuros
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014-01-20) Yika Tuesta, Alberto Stavros; Callupe Pérez, Rocío Liliana
    This work raises a solution for the development of the sucking reflex in premature infants. This solution is based on a computer that uses a system of control of negative pressure applied directly in a pacifier common through a dock. In turn, this process is performed using a generator of waves that controls the frequency of suction as well as the kind of stimulation granted. The systems of stimulation of suction in preterm infants are presented as the solution, in the face of scarce stimulators of language, and the presence of latent problem. Currently, there are many researches [2] that have collaborated with the development process of the language, which would not only be measured patterns engines of non-nutritive sucking, but also produce a stimulator natural and harmless with the proper frequency response. The pacing system suction proposes stimulation based on control of a pneumatic motor and sensing constant on a variety of parameters, which provide an effective and natural exercise, for newborns in addition to cost reduction in the case of a treatment of short duration. Therefore, this thesis aims to design a stimulator system based on the generation of vacuum and inflated through a valve pneumatic, and sensing constant on a variety of parameters in order to stimulate the newborn premature to assist in the development of non-nutritive sucking, which directly affects their language . The main conclusion it should be mentioned that it is possible to obtain all the patterns engines of the suction non-nutritious to then use these in the construction of the signal generator of stimulation in the system that was developed in laboratory conditions. And it is important the contribution of this multidisciplinary work where unite two areas: neuroscience and electronics, resulting in initiating investigations in the field of the neurocognitive language disorder in children. [2]. FINAN, DS., BARLOW, SM., The actifier: a device for neurophysiological studies of orofacial control in human infants, Journal Speech Hear Research., vol. 39(4), pp. 833-8, Aug 1996.
  • Ítem
    Diseño de un controlador adaptivo con identificación en línea aplicado a una planta modelo de presión
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011-11-30) Acero Coila, Eloy Edwin; Morán Cárdenas, Antonio
    Se presenta el diseño del controlador adaptivo aplicado a la Planta Modelo de Presión desarrollado en base a Controladores Adaptivos de Auto-sintonización – STR con Identificación Recursiva en Línea. Este algoritmo de control está basado en el método de asignación de polos y del algoritmo de identificación recursivo de mínimos cuadrados – RLS y mínimos cuadrados extendidos RELS. El control es tal que permite que el proceso esté a una referencia deseada, manteniendo siempre la regulación deseada. Además el control es capaz de hacer frente a las perturbaciones existentes en el proceso por ser altamente no lineal. El diseño incluyó etapas de identificación, control y simulación del sistema de control, las cuales se utilizaron para hallar las soluciones a los requerimientos de funcionamiento, asimismo se realizo la implementación del controlador en MatLab – Simulink. Palabras Claves: Controladores Adaptivos de Auto-sintonización – STR. Identificación Recursiva de Mínimos Cuadrados – RLS, Identificación Recursiva de Mínimos Cuadrados Extendidos – RELS, asignación de polos.
  • Ítem
    Desarrollo de un sistema de control avanzado de la presión del vapor en una caldera de tubos de fuego
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011-05-09) Rodríguez Vásquez, José Renato
    Esta tesis presenta el siguiente objetivo: Desarrollar un sistema de control avanzado de la variación de la presión del vapor en el cuerpo de una caldera de tubos de fuego, que posibilite un funcionamiento efectivo y fiable del proceso de combustión, así como una disminución del actual consumo de combustible y de los gases contaminantes del medio ambiente.