URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/181320
ISSN: 0254-9239
e-ISSN: 2223-3768
Fundada en 1977, Lexis es una de las principales revistas de lingüística y literatura que se publican en Hispanoamérica. La revista acoge trabajos originales en los diversos campos de la lingüística, de la teoría y crítica literarias, de la hispanística y de los estudios amerindios.
La revista se publica dos veces al año, en julio y diciembre. En la sección Normas para autores se incluyen las normas de redacción para la presentación de las colaboraciones.
165 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Daniela Lauria. Lengua y política: historia crítica de los diccionarios del español de la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 2022. 380 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Costa León, Piero RenatoNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Mariana Libertad Suárez (comp.). Sabihondas e indiscretas. Antología de narradoras peruanas, 1917-1957. Lima: Editora Perú, 2022. 200 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Espinoza, Jean PaulNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Desmitificando la masculinidad: la presencia del sujeto queer y la homofobia en Temporada de huracanes (2017) de Fernanda Melchor(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Ruz, GerardoAccording to reports from the Observatorio Nacional de Crímenes de Odio contra Personas LGBT, violence towards this community has reached alarming levels in recent years. This problem has reached fiction: Fernanda Melchor addresses this topic in her novel Temporada de huracanes (2017), where the proliferation of hate crimes becomes the central theme. This article carries out a critical study on masculinity and the queer subject, analyzing how the latter influences heterocentric behavior, revealing fissures and alternative identities concealed beneath hypermasculinity. Through a meticulous analysis of the behavior of the main characters, this work scrutinizes the silences, dissonances, and behaviors that unbalance hegemonic masculinity and at the same time, explores how homophobia is used as a tool to maintain social control, which reveals a complex social problem that queer subjects suffer.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La crisis de la voz poética en El hilo atroz (2021) de Beverly Pérez Rego(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Aguirre-Bernal, MiguelIn El hilo atroz (2021), Beverly Pérez Rego equates writing with weaving and, from there, proposes a crisis of the poetic voice that involves three levels of depth: literary tradition, the poetic subject, and artistic creation. This paper intends to explore the implications of this metaphor and analyze the different modulations that the crisis adopts throughout the collection of poems. These inflections are revealed to be very much in line with the assumptions of postmodernism and end up developing a hyper and intertextual writing made from rags. It concludes by demonstrating how the author postulates the erasure of tradition –the cutting of the hilo atroz– as a literary necessity, in what we call an imperative of destruction.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Evando Nacismento y Alberto Giordano. La literatura fuera de sí. Trad., Raúl Rodríguez Freire. Ebook. Santiago: Nube Negra y Bulk editores, 2021. 140 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Blanco Galleguillos, DianaNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ocurrencias en suspenso: una relectura de Ecuador de Henri Michaux(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Mayorga G., EstebanThis article revisits Ecuador. A Travel Journal (1929) by Henri Michaux (1899-1984) and argues that unfamiliar or uncanny writing techniques, techniques that should not be in the text due to them being useless to travel, and which cannot be valued for their mimetic imprecision, are key to understanding the text by means of their witty status. The tools used for analysis include theory of emotion, in addition to the theory of the “witty writer,” as Giordano understands it, without ignoring a certain critical tradition of travel literature such as Van den Abbeele (1992), Said (1978) and Musgrove (1999). The central idea proposes that “wittiness” in this travel journal is the best key to experiencing the text as opposed to mimetic theory.Ítem Texto completo enlazado A la hora del mundo, sobre el plano de inmanencia. Una lectura de Sistema Nervioso de Lina Meruane(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Navarro Morales, MarceloThis paper analyzes Lina Meruane’s novel, Sistema Nervioso (2018), from the perspective of the notion of the plane of immanence proposed by Deleuze and Guattari (1997). By virtue of the alibi provided by the narrative plot, the intra/extradiegetic narrators of this novel slide from the plane of organization of substantial forms to the plane of consistency of unstable and unformed matter. The plane of immanence, which groups these planes, allows them to see and think about the aberrant zones of communication between kingdoms, genders and species; to attend to the coexistence and simultaneity of diverse temporalities and scales of time and space; and allows them to approach the complex crossroads that the contemporary world faces.Ítem Texto completo enlazado “Señora Doña Fulana de Tal”: una carta de amor en las tolderías indígenas de la Pampa(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Perna, Carlos GabrielAmong the letters preserved in the archive of the indigenous Salinas Grandes settlement, a love letter was found. This letter had immediately a didactic, and mediately an exemplary function, like the others in the notebook that it was part of, which gives these letters an outstanding cultural value, since it deals not only with the mere use of writing, but also with the efforts of the indigenous society to ensure its preservation in the future. The love letter is an effect of the introduction of writing into the indigenous society and gives us access to profound transformation processes that were taking place within the Pampas and Patagonian societies at the time of the military conquest.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Piratas a la prensa: la captura de Richard Hawkins en los inicios de la imprenta en Lima(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Ríos Taboada, María GraciaIn 1594, the first news text was printed in Lima. The “Relación de lo sucedido desde diez y siete de mayo” narrated the triumphant armada sent by Viceroy García Hurtado de Mendoza and the subsequent capture of the English pirate Richard Hawkins. This article aims to delve into the motivations driving the urgency to disseminate this news, along with other documents linked to the event. Additionally, it will explore the nexus between these narratives and the propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Viceroy of Peru in its favor. As will be demonstrated, the presence of European adversaries in America not only intensified the intricate political landscape but also added complexity to the economic relations between Spain and its viceroyalties.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alto, bajo, profundo y superficial: de lo dimensional a lo cualitativo. Propuesta lexicográfica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Ynduráin Pardo de Santayana, CarlosThe adjectives alto, bajo, profundo and superficial present a network of meanings of metaphorical origin in which these words are related to qualitative concepts apparently far from the physical world. These concepts can be grouped, in the case of high and low, within the categories MOOD (ánimo bajo), MORAL (bajos pensamientos) and IMPORTANCE (alto ejecutivo). In the case of deep and shallow, their qualitative link is maintained with that which, in a general way, we can identify with the ESSENCE OF THINGS (sentimientos profundos). These two pairs of antonyms present important parallels in their metaphorical evolution processes. This article analyzes the cognitive basis of these semantic extensions and discusses their classification for lexicographic treatment.