URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/181320
ISSN: 0254-9239
e-ISSN: 2223-3768
Fundada en 1977, Lexis es una de las principales revistas de lingüística y literatura que se publican en Hispanoamérica. La revista acoge trabajos originales en los diversos campos de la lingüística, de la teoría y crítica literarias, de la hispanística y de los estudios amerindios.
La revista se publica dos veces al año, en julio y diciembre. En la sección Normas para autores se incluyen las normas de redacción para la presentación de las colaboraciones.
753 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Efectos de procesamiento semántico en el desempeño lector de estudiantes universitarios novatos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-14) Bargetto, Miguel Á.; Riffo Ocares, BernardoResearch in academic literacy has shown that scaffolding improves the reading of disciplinary texts. Included among the considered variables is the lexica. A robust vocabulary will result in better reading performance. To verify this, a semantic priming task and a reading comprehension test were applied to 31 first-year pedagogy students to establish whether there is a correlation between lexical processing and reading. The main findings indicate the establishment of weak semantic relations and normal reading performance. It is concluded that better reading performance is associated with slower lexical processing, which would suggest that readers engage in strategic operations to address comprehension tasks. This will allow for the formulation of scaffolding actions that highlight the importance of mastering the disciplinary vocabulary in order to safeguard an adequate reading task.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La proyección de la "Breve declaración de vocablos oscuros" de Alejo Venegas en el "Tesoro" de Covarrubias y otros repertorios lexicográficos de los siglos XVIII-XX(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-14) Almansa Ibáñez, SorayaThe aim of this work is to analyze the impact of Alejo Venegas del Busto’s Breve declaración de las sentencias y vocablos obscuros in Covarrubias’ Thesaurus, as well as in different works of later centuries, where Venegas is considered as an etymological authority. This glossary is an annex to the work of Erasmist spirit the Agonía del tránsito de la muerte (1543) which, despite not having a dictionary approach, has contributed significantly to lexicographical praxis. A detailed search has been made of the accredited voices in Venegas’ glossary to know which of them have had the greatest influence on the work of Covarrubias. To complete the analysis, matching samples are provided in representative lexicographical works. The purpose is to deepen the knowledge of Venegas’ work to determine what his contribution to Covarrubias’ work was, as well as its influence on other lexicographic repertoires.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La naturaleza difusa de la norma académica en "El libro de estilo de la lengua española"(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-14) Bustos Gisbert, José ManuelThis paper analyzes the way in which linguistic accuracy is formulated in El libro de estilo de la lengua española (2018), the latest normative publication by the Real Academia de la Lengua (Royal Spanish Academy) and the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (Association of Academies of the Spanish Language). We show that more than half of the rules listed are of a diffuse, or fuzzy nature. We study three kinds of fuzzy rules: rules with a low deontic load, which have little prescriptive character; confusing rules, which are imprecise or subjective in nature; and rules for highly specific cases, with a very limited field of application. Finally, we note that it is not unusual for these three types to appear together.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Trilce y España, aparta de mí este cáliz: La palabra y la idea de libertad en Vallejo (y una correspondencia posible con Sade)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Márquez Arreaza, DionisioThis essay studies two works by César Vallejo and, in a complementary manner, a possible correspondence with the Marquis de Sade. In Trilce (1922), the crisis of language is studied through the verbal construction, the eschatological theme and the creation-destruction dialectic based on prison experience. The verbal rupture “frees” the imprisoned poet from jail. In España, aparta de mí este cáliz (1939), the transformation of the cadaver into a project for life is studied from a triple discourse that combines the poetic, the political and the religious in favor of the Spanish republican revolutionary movement. The comparison between the popular God-believing intellectual of the twentieth century and the dix-septièmiste aristocratic-revolutionary pornographer shows two poets of the obscure side of modernity.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Repertorios activos para “decir la guerra”: el caso de Bajo la tienda (1890) de Daniel Riquelme y Sancho en la guerra (1885) de Lucio Venegas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Véliz Rojas, ClaudioThe present work applies the theoretical framework of polysystems, by Itamar Evan-Zohar, and its concretization through the transtextuality approaches of Gérard Genette, to analyze the “active repertoires” of two works written by Chilean actors of the War of the Pacific (1879- 1884) published during the 1880s. Through Bajo la Tienda (1890) by Daniel Riquelme and Sancho en la guerra (1885) by Lucio Venegas, we recognize the use of these repertoires as ways to glorify the conflict while also serving as formulas to condemn the destruction caused by the war phenomenon. These repertoires help us understand the cultural landscape of the time as an active agent in the construction of a certain notion of war.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Glotopolítica y regulación ortográfica entre internautas durante los paros nacionales colombianos de 2019 y 2021(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-14) Olave Arias, Giohanny; Cediel Gómez, Yulia KatherineThis paper aims to analyze the spelling regulations implemented by Facebook and Twitter users during the national strikes of 2019 and 2021 in Colombia. From a glotopolitical perspective, the study identifies the discursive constructions associated with spelling adequacy in virtual interventions (comments and posts) as well as in public spaces (graffiti) within the context of these social movements. The topoï that support these discourses are located, and the argumentative strategies employed by individuals in their publications are highlighted. The analysis focuses on the underlying ideologemes of these interventions and reveals that both proponents and opponents of the strikes share conservative perspectives regarding spelling, often linking it to factors such as education level, intelligence, and criminality. Finally, the research uncovers a relationship between the unrestricted surveillance of spelling regulations and the defense of social regulation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Negación y modales deónticos de obligación en español: el caso de "deber" y "tener que"(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Flores Salvo, Camila; Jaque Hidalgo, MatíasThe present article addresses the relationship between negation and the Spanish deontic modal periphrases deber (‘must’) + infinitive and tener que (‘have to’) + infinitive. Although both periphrases express obligation, they differ in the scope they display with respect to negation: while deber exhibits a wide scope, tener que shows a narrow scope. Our main goal is to establish which specific properties motivate the TPP behavior of deber. Our proposal is that the notion of “obligation” derives, assuming Ramchand’s (2018) model, from two different semantic operations: on the one hand, tener que would perform an exhaustive selection of alternatives; on the other hand, deber would express an exclusive selection, by which the most highly ranked situation given a deontic preference order is selected. One of the main consequences of this difference is, as the article shows, the distribution of actuality entailment readings in “indefinido” contexts, which is required for tener que.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El suicidio literario de Fernando Vallejo: La rambla paralela y la muerte como forma de protesta(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Forero Gómez, AndrésThis article analyzes how Colombian writer Fernando Vallejo uses his novel La rambla paralela (2002) to expose his literary suicide (the death of his novelistic alter ego and his desire to stop writing altogether) as a form of protest towards the nonsensical nature of reality, which is frequently evidenced in Colombian society. To this end, the first section describes the role that suicide has had in Western thought and literature. Afterwards, the second section explains the reasons behind Vallejo’s critical stance in his works. Finally, the third and main section analyzes how Vallejo kills his narrative in his novel and how this act serves as the author’s most radical protest against contemporary reality.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La creación de un nuevo formante morfológico. Estudio diacrónico de la forma no(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Esquivel Brizuela, Shaila LisettThe aim of this paper is to trace the morphologization process that allowed the formation of a prefix from an adverb, both coinciding in the form no. In order to do this, we consider the theory of grammaticalization to analyze a corpus of 794 Spanish words with no-, gathered from different sources from the 13th to the 21st century. The results show the different stages of the change process in which the adverb expanded its contextual distribution, which allowed it to appear before nouns. In this context, the adverb acquires the typical characteristics of a negation prefix, with specific meaning nuances according to the type of noun base it attaches to: total negation for deverbal nouns (no inclusión, ‘non-inclusion’) or partial negation in the case of concrete nouns (no libro, ‘non-book’).Ítem Texto completo enlazado Lo extraño en la prosa de Juan Ramón Jiménez(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-15) Olivé, LaiaThis article reviews and redefines the concept of the uncanny from Todorov’s theory in The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (1970) and analyses it in some barely studied prose writings by Juan Ramón Jiménez where it is present. Uncanny literature, which also lacks extensive research, is characterised by the “uncanny effect” it has on the characters and/or the reader: realizing the rarities that intermingle with our everyday life. In Jiménez’s prose, this effect manifests mainly through the compassionate way in which the narrator sees some characters who do not fit into heir environment because of their appearance and/or their behaviour. Among these, we observe children, madmen, sick people, women, foreigners, the incomprehensible and “unacquainted acquaintances”.