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ISSN: 0254-9212
e-ISSN: 2224-6428
Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales es una publicación de la Especialidad de Antropología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú que se edita desde 1983.
Anthropologica publica trabajos originales inéditos resultado de las investigaciones empíricas y etnográficas más recientes dentro de la antropología y disciplinas afines en el ámbito nacional e internacional, con énfasis en la región andina y amazónica. Se dirige a estudiosos de antropología, profesores universitarios, investigadores y académicos de las ciencias sociales y humanas.
La revista está compuesta por cuatro secciones: Artículos, Reseñas, Traducciones, y Testimonios para la historia de la antropología. Las temáticas dentro de estas secciones pueden ser muy variadas como se puede observar al revisar los números anteriormente publicados. Las mismas deben ser, sin embargo, relevantes a la antropología y disciplinas afines.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Territorialidades en conflicto en torno a un parque eólico en Argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Kropff Causa, Laura; Spivak L'Hoste, AnaThis essay addresses territorial tensions that emerged within negotiations related to a wind farm project aimed to be located in a rural setting in Río Negro province (Argentina). The project is promoted by a Chinese company and was accepted due to an Environmental Impact Assessment that missed to mention that there was a Mapuche community where the wind farm was intended to be located. Therefore, the community requested the development of a consultation process. In this process, different territorial logics were put into play, however within asymmetrical relations. The essay approaches these logics based on empirical evidence that was gathered through ethnographic fieldwork and archive research. The argument focuses on the territorial assumptions expressed in the Environmental Impact Assessment in comparison with those sustained by the community emphasizing on the ontological dimension of the problem. renewable energies – indigenous rights – mapuche – Patagonia – territorialityÍtem Texto completo enlazado Una política «a medio camino». Reflexiones sobre la política para pueblos indígenas de contacto reciente en Brasil(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Jabur, ClarisseThe policy for indigenous peoples of recent contact (PIRC) in Brazil is under construction. Although the guidelines for post-contact periods were present at other moments in government policy, they did not free indigenous peoples from cruel fates such as massacres, epidemics, andtotal extermination. Only after the policy change in 1987 were health measures included in post-contact actions and other actions with an educational bias. In recent years, there have been some advances in internal regulations related to various public policies, highlighting the publication of joint ordinance MS / FUNAI No. 4.094 on health care for indigenous peoples of recent contact. Likewise, the first Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTA) have been formulated by indigenous peoples of recent contact in Brazil. This policy is still «half way» and has some challenges to consolidate.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cambios y continuidades en la percepción y demandas indígenas sobre el territorio en la Amazonía peruana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2010-03-26) Espinosa, ÓscarThis article explores changes and continuities in political demandsconcerning territorial rights as they have been articulated byindigenous organizations of the Peruvian Amazon over recentdecades. Its main objective is to demonstrate how particular historicalconjunctures have influenced the ways in which these groups havefocused their efforts in defense of what they consider to be a crucialelement of their way of life, increasingly threatened by incursionsfrom modern society, capitalism and processes of globalization. Theanalysis rejects depictions of the indigenous peoples as passive, opento manipulation by outside interests. At the same time, it provides amore profound understanding of the changes that are taking placewithin indigenous societies with respect to their perception of, andrelationship to, their territories.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Los achuares del Corrientes: el Estado ante su propio paradigma(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2010-03-26) Chirif, AlbertoThe paper analyses the events leading to the 2006 uprising of theAchuar people of the Corrientes basin (Loreto), who have sufferedfour decades of contamination due to oil exploitation. It also examinesthe Peruvian State’s and the oil company´s attitudes throughoutthe protest and after signing an agreement aiming to stop contaminationand remedy environmental and social havoc. Materials usedinclude interviews conducted with different stake holders and a widerange of written records, such as political declarations, reports onlocal people´s health´s and remediation work, agreement documentsand letters exchanged between stake holders, as well as historicaland socio economic background information. Findings highlight thestrength of organized indigenous people´s claiming for their rights;the greater commitment to assuming responsibility shown by the oilcompany´s as compared to the Peruvian State; and the weakness ofa political discourse equating development with the extraction ofnatural resources. The main conclusion is that the Peruvian Statedoes not fulfill the paradigm set in the first article of the Constitution:that the defense of the human person and the respect of its dignityare its supreme aim.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Derechos de los pueblos indígenas en Venezuela y el problema del reconocimiento(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-08-10) Orellano, JorgeEl reconocimiento de los derechos indígenas en la Constitución de 1999 de Venezuela supone una tensión conceptual en la forma de concebir la ciudadanía: significa el tránsito de una ciudadanía homogénea a otra de carácter multicultural. Sin embargo, la realización de esos derechos ha encontrado dificultades prácticas relativas a la titulación de tierras, carencia de respaldo político a los intereses indígenas, conflictos con las fuerzas armadas, entre otros, que hacen perder de vista los problemas conceptuales que subyacen al reconocimiento y la construcción de ciudadanía. El objetivo de este ensayo, basado en una metodología hermenéutica y apoyada en el análisis del discurso de fuentes documentales, será exponer algunas reflexiones sobre las tensiones conceptuales que subyacen a los problemas de realización de los derechos indígenas en Venezuela en la última década, en especial aquellos relacionados con la construcción de una ciudadanía multicultural. Entre los principales hallazgos destacan la asimilación solapada y el falso reconocimiento en que ha incurrido el actual régimen institucional, y se concluye apuntando la necesidad de avanzar en una concepción intercultural para superar la mera condición multicultural de los derechos indígenas, aunado al necesario impulso de un marco democrático representativo para un genuino reconocimiento y ciudadanía plena.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Re-empaquetando el CLPI: las conexiones globales y el debate sobre el consentimiento indígena para la extracción industrial de recursos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2010-03-26) Szablowski, DavidIn this paper, I propose to examine how rival global governmentalprojects are asserted and contested by decentralized networks thatlink actors operating at different scales. I argue that Tsing’s notionof «travelling packages» provides a useful way of conceptualizingthe means by which elements of these projects are diffused, translated,taken up, and adapted into different localities around theworld. I explore these dynamics in relation to the contestation of agovernance model based on the principle that the free, prior andinformed consent (FPIC) of an indigenous people is required toauthorize actions that may affect upon indigenous territory or indigenousrights. Through the assertion of different versions of FPIC,networked actors are contesting the nature and shape of corporatesocial responsibility, the authority of the state, and the significanceof indigenous governance. I propose to explore the implicationsof different packaging strategies on the contestation between rivalgovernance models and on their propensity for uptake in local sites.