Revista de Psicología
URI permanente para esta comunidad
ISSN: 0254-9247
e-ISSN: 2223-3733
La Revista de Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú se fundó en el año 1983 con el objetivo de alentar la investigación y la producción intelectual entre los psicólogos y otros especialistas. Desde hace 35 años se publica semestralmente de manera initerrumpida en los siguientes periodos: enero-junio (publicación 30 de diciembre del año anterior) y julio-diciembre (publicación 30 de junio). Asimismo, cada artículo cuenta con número DOI independiente. Ha evolucionado de acuerdo a las tendencias científicas de la comunidad global y cuenta con la licencia Creative Commons CC-BY.
La Revista de Psicología se propone publicar artículos originales relacionados con la psicología y basados en trabajos de investigación empírica, teórica y/o aplicada. Asimismo, recibe contribuciones en la forma de revisiones de literatura y reseñas bibliográficas; notas sobre temas de interés científico, ético y profesional; información sobre eventos de importancia para la Psicología y su desarrollo institucional en el Perú.
La Revista de Psicología se orienta hacia una audiencia internacional, aporta conocimiento sobre los procesos mentales y comportamentales, tomando en consideración la multiplicidad de variables asociadas a los contextos multiculturales y con diversidad etnolingüística. La revista publica el título, resumen y palabras claves en los siguientes 4 idiomas: español, inglés, portugués y francés. Asimismo, acepta artículos con texto completo en cualquiera de los idiomas mencionados.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Asistencia a jardín maternal, educación materna y habilidades lingüísticas tempranas en niños y niñas argentinos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-04) Resches, Mariela; Querejeta, Maira; Laguens, Ana; Aquino, Camila; Kohan-Cortada, Ana ; De Grandis, María CarolinaThe impact of Early Child Care attendance on the first language skills of 725 boys and girls from 16 to 30 months living in Buenos Aires and its periphery is analyzed. The fathers and/or mothers filled in the regional adaptation of the Mac Arthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory and an ad hoc sociodemographic questionnaire. Results indicated significant differences in favor of the children who attended Early Child Care centers, although only after two years old. Early Child Care attendance had a compensating effect for children of mothers with a lower educational level. These data speak in favor of the need to promote public policies that guarantee access to quality educational services for early childhood.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La prevención, intervención y posvención del suicidio en la Guardia Nacional Republicana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-03) Ferreira, Luís; Oliveira de Almeida, Sandra; Pessoa dos Santos, Renato; Cardoso, LuísIn Portugal, the suicide in the Security Forces has reached values higher than those of the general population, which reflected a need to seek solutions. This study aimed to understand the problem of suicide in the Republican National Guard through the identification of causes and consequences, the understanding of the intervention carried out in this field, and the identification of the post-vention as a prevention axis. Using the qualitative approach, through interpretative phenomenological analysis, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with military personnel of the Republican National Guard and external entities. As conclusions, there was a greater focus on strengthening the institutional response in terms of suicide prevention, especially in post-vention. However, there is a need to optimize resources for training and post-intervention.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sobre las dificultades de pacientes en tratamiento para el control de peso en Campeche, México. Algunas consideraciones desde el psicoanálisis(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-03) Morales, María de los Milagros; Alvarez, Guadalupe del Carmen; Ribeiro, RaquelThis contribution aims at showing the challenges faced by patients whose treatment for chronic and degenerative diseases implies weight control. Under a qualitative research approach, guided by psychoanalysis, in-depth interviews were conducted and data analyzed through content analysis. Results seem to indicate that the patients’ challenges have three dimensions: a) a socio-structurally institutional one, b) the therapeutic bond, and c) a psychic-drive correlate. It was concluded that patients attribute their main difficulties to the lack of institutional services and to the therapeutic bond; they do not acknowledge the inconsistencies in weight control within their psychic correlate, nor take responsibility for their treatment or self-care. Moreover, institutional shortcomings limit the treatment reach and contribute to the problem chronification.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Salud mental de niños y cuidadores y factores asociados durante la pandemia de COVID-19(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-03) Nóblega, Magaly; Bartra, Ramon; Conde, Gabriela; Guimet, Marisut; Nuñez del Prado, Juan; Uchuya, Daniel; Retiz, OlenkaMental health indicators of children from 6 to 71 months and their caregivers, and their associated factors, are described during the pandemic context. The information was collected through an ad hoc survey answered by 59,113 caregivers from the 24 departments and the constitutional province of Peru. A significant presence of externalizing behavior problems was reported in boys and girls. 8 out of 10 caregivers reported one or two indicators of anxiety, and around 2 out of 10 caregivers reported feeling stressed on many occasions and be alone in their parenting role. Practical implications for childhood interventions and parenting support are discussed based on the results.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Percepciones sobre la IRC y la adherencia a su tratamiento: visiones de pacientes, familiares y profesionales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-03) Melo, Georgia; Melo, Cynthia; Correia, Jéssica; Lima, Edna; Seidl, Eliane; Branco, Layza CasteloThis paper was intended to analyze the perception of patients, relatives and professionals about Chronic kidney disease and treatment adherence. We conducted qualitative research with 47 participants who answered an interview script, whose data were analyzed in Iramuteq. The results showed that patients had little understanding about the disease and its treatment, as well as negative feelings associated with them. Among the factors that facilitate adherence, we highlight family/professional support; among the limiting factors, water restriction, diet, and limitations in the routine of the patient and caregiver. Professionals showed distinctions between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, comparing limitations and benefits. We drew conclusions about the importance of paying attention to the factors that hinder treatment adherence to enhance its success.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Actividad física y bienestar en un contexto de pandemia por COVID-19(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-03) González Insua, Francisco; Rizzi, Pilar; Delfino, GiselaPreventive measures of social isolation implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to decreased levels of physical activity and well-being. This study (n = 308) analyzed the relationship between weekly energy expenditure levels (METs; International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ) and well-being (Pemberton Happiness Index, PHI). The physical space where the action was performed and the person/s with whom it was done moderate the positive relationship between physical activity levels and well-being. Individuals who were active outdoors and did physical activity with others reported greater well-being. The findings highlight the importance of engaging in physical activity in natural spaces and with other people. This is especially important in pandemic contexts, where people are often isolated from others.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Concepciones de docentes en formación acerca de la educación rural(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-04) Serruto, Verónica; Frisancho, SusanaThe teacher is one of the main actors in the learning process and his or her belief system influences his or her pedagogical practice. The objective of this research is to identify the conceptions of a group of education students in a highland province of Peru about rural education, their role in it and the characteristics of the students. A qualitative study using a semi-structured interview is proposed. The results showed that the participants recognize the cultural value of rurality and the needs and rights of its inhabitants, however, they continue to relate them to poverty and less development, which can be translated into discourses that transmit a hopeless and disadvantaged vision. Stereotypical conceptions of rural students were also identified, which may influence the construction of teachers’ expectations and have an impact on their performance and students’ academic achievement. Finally, there is evidence of limited knowledge about rural schools and multigrade education, which may be one of the reasons why they consider multigrade education as a negative characteristic of rural schools.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aproximación a la Equivalencia entre Asco y Grima mediante un Análisis de Dominios y Contextos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-04) Schweiger Gallo, Inge; Rodríguez Monter, Miryam; Cuenca, Cristina; Fernández-Dols, José Miguel; Belli, SimoneDespite the interest in grima during the last years due to its relevance as a culturally specific emotion in Spain, we still lack knowledge about its delineation from the experience of disgust. Applying a combination of deductive and inductive methodologies to the study of grima, it was found that most of the experiences of grima referred to squeaking noises and scratching of surfaces, followed by situations related to the disgust domain of envelope violations. Further, it was also observed that the experiences of grima occurred in a variety of contexts, with the exception of the institutional context, although mainly in the educational context. The theoretical and methodological implications of the present research are discussed.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El efecto del bienestar social, las emociones y la percepción negativa del mundo en el miedo al delito en México(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-04) Rodríguez, Carolina; Reyes-Sosa, Hiram; Martínez-Zelaya, Gonzalo; Moreno, DavidIn Mexico, insecurity and fear of crime had been affected Mexican’s society historically. However, research has focused on comprehend the causes society attributes to both phenomena increasing and a little has been explored about the relationship those variables can have with concepts like social well-being. This study aims to know about the effect social well-being (and his dimensions), emotions (positive and negative) and negative perception of the world have on the fear of crime. A sample of 152 young students (55.3% women and 44.7% men) with a mean age of 25.56 years (SD= 3.30) participated in this research.Results showed that fear of crime has configurated as a problem itself and affects society in a differential way. Consequently, high levels of social well-being diminish worry about fear of crime. In opposition, high levels of negative perception of the world and of negative feelings, including low levels of social well-being and positive emotions promote higher levels of worry about fear of crime.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Afrontamiento Religioso Judío “JCOPE” en una comunidad judía ortodoxa(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-04) Simkin, Hugo; Cosman, ShirlyThis study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Jewish Religious Coping Scale (JCOPE) within an Orthodox Jewish community in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 200 Orthodox Jews with ages between 18 and 66 years (M = 29.86; SD = 13.02) and of both sexes (men = 69%; women = 31%) participated in the study. A 2-factor model resulted in acceptable fit indices (NNFI = .94; CFI = .95; IFI = .95; SRMR = .65). Results indicated an acceptable internal consistency for both the positive (ω = .85) and negative Jewish religious coping (ω = .57). While its suggested its use, future research should continue to explore the psychometric properties of the JCOPE in Argentina.