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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
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    Cultura: ¿un derecho para todxs? Propuesta de investigación-acción en derechos culturales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Pacheco Mariselli, Martha; Díaz, Germán Díaz; Rodríguez, Samanta Romero; Reynel Joyja, Allisson Rita; Lau Barba, Milos; Basilio Saldaña, Cristian
    This article aims to reflect on a challenging process of artistic creation of collective writing from an anthropological perspective, arising from academic research, around which a clown performance event was built. This scenic event, in turn, proceeded to be transferred from its original live performance format to an audiovisual recording format of that same performance. The transition from a situation of simultaneous presence of the clown and his audience, to another where the corporeal, sensory, emotional participation of the audiences is “mediated” by the production decisions that “compose” a “gaze” expressed by the camera that, as deferred “narrator,” assumes the leadership of an expressive communication process about the human values and emotions defined by a culture, in front of an anonymous audience. Confronting the initial challenge of finding significant expressive ways to “translate” the legal discourse (abstract, with a bias of supposed universality assumed to be homogeneous) on human rights and citizenship, a proposal was progressively developed, one that intuitively combined within a general logic of action research, strategies of collective creation, artistic performance research, specificallyclown, as well as the design of a technical proposal for audiovisual media that suggests an explanation of cultural rights (core part of the human rights set) as basis for the full exercise of an also expanded definition of citizenship; one based on cultural diversity, and its mark in the identity generation processes.
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    Efectos psicosociales de la Comisión de la Verdad en Brasil
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-01-08) Mathias, Anderson; Páez, Darío; Espinosa, Agustín; Techio, Elza Maria; Alzugaray, Carolina; Sandoval, Salvador; Moraes, Albert; Albuquerque, Rosiane; Araújo, Lidiane; Pinto, Adriele
    A Truth Commission (TC) was carried out in Brazil (2012-2014) to investigate human rights violations perpetrated by state agents, especially during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). TCs are supposed to help societies on the reconstruction of social cohesion after authoritarian or violent periods. We conducted three studies with undergraduate students and adult samples between 2014 and 2017. Evaluating the TC as effective was related to higher punctuations on the variables of social cohesion, even controlling the effects of political positioning. The TC effectiveness perception was associated with the emotional reaction (both, negative or positive) and a positive attitude towards remembering the past. Nonetheless, we found some different results across the three studies. These differences are discussed.
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    El Derecho a la vivienda: problemas, regulación y retos en el contexto peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Ortiz Sánchez, Iván; Vílchez Vargas, Ximena
    Is the Right to Adequate Housing recognized in the Peruvian Political Constitution of 1993? What has the Constitutional Court ruled regarding this Right? How may the Public Law help to overcome the challenges imposed by the need to guarantee the Right to Adequate Housing? This article tries to answer these questions by analyzing the regulation of the Right to Adequate Housing in international treaties and instruments applicable to our country, and the national regulation and jurisprudence. The last section will reflect on the challenges to the Right to Adequate Housing under the framework created by the National Housing and Urban Policy (2021) and the Act 31313, Sustainable Urban Development Act.
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    Política migratoria en las islas Canarias: violaciones de derechos humanos durante la pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-24) Rodríguez Salinas, Roberto
    Irregular migration is a complex phenomenon that defies the sole concepts of movement restriction and lockdown introduced by the pandemic. Accordingly, 2020 was a particularly tense year for migratory fluxes from Africa to Europe. The Canary islands route saw a reactivation after almost a decade of low activity, with 23,023 registered arrivals in 2020. Similarly to other European islands, such as Lesbos or Lampedusa, the Canary islands have limited state assistance resources for immigrants. The pandemic is, thus, a cause of the massive emigration in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa, but is also a decisive factor for the human rights violations before, during and after the immigrants’ arrival at the islands. Under these circumstances, Spain is obliged to comply with international, European, and national law regarding migrants’ fundamental rights. This paper argues that Spain must always guarantee the health protection of refugees and asylum seekers during the legal procedures of intervention, assistance and detention. Furthermore, the enforcement of sanitary measures is not a valid cause for omitting certain guarantees such as the right to legal assistance, the freedom of movement within national territory, the compliance with detention times, and the use of clean and safe reception centers.
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    Perú: elecciones 2021 en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-28) Acevedo Rojas, Elba Sissi; Huaman Porras, Diego Alejandro; Hurtado Ormeño, José Danid; Tintaya Quispe, Ramiro Gustavo
    The holding of the parliamentary and presidential elections in Peru during the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a controversial issue, to the point that its suspension or postponement was put into debate, especially if we take into account the effects that could have generated both in the right to vote as in the right to health. In this context, various constitutionalists, academics and international organizations pointed out that it was necessary to strengthen democratic institutions by exercising the citizen's right to vote, but it was necessary to have biosafety protocols to avoid further contagion.  From an international perspective, there were successful cases in the implementation of the electoral process in 2020, South Korea being one of them as it used electronic voting, verifying, with subsequent tests, the low rate of contagion. The authors point out that this solution, in Peru, has been incorporated since 2010. However, it has not yet become widespread, which is why it could not be applied in the first and second electoral rounds in 2021. For this reason, in this article, the authors analyze the actions taken by the State in order to carry out the elections from the perspective of fundamental rights.
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    Más allá del pasamontañas: una mirada humana a la violencia política en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-01) Fiorini, Gianluca
    In a context where Peru’s internal armed conflict is used to promote political discord and polarization, it becomes necessary to review the historical sources used to assess that period. “Carta al teniente Shogún” (“Letter to Lieutenant Shogun”) is an autobiographical account by anthropologist Lurgio Gavilán, whose in-depth insight of his experiences addresses the internal armed conflict from a humanitarian and empathetic perspective. In his work, the scarring left by the confrontation is revisited in a more humane, nuanced, and, therefore, clearer light. More generally, it invites further reflection on the processes that originated Peruvian society as we know it.
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    La compleja comprensión del artículo 12 de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-04) Constantino Caycho, Renato Antonio; Bregaglio Lazarte, Renata Anahí
    El entendimiento de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad se ha visto modificado por la adopción e implementación de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad. Entre los cambios necesarios para su implementación, resalta el referido a la capacidad jurídica (o capacidad de ejercicio) de las personas con discapacidad. A contracorriente con lo que se registra en la mayor parte de Códigos Civiles de la región, la Convención reconoce que las personas con discapacidad sí pueden tomar decisiones y que su discapacidad no puede ser motivo para privarlos de ese derecho. Para garantizar esto, es necesario que los Estados reconozcan apoyos para la capacidad jurídica que sean vigilados por salvaguardias que eviten abusos, influencia indebida y conflictos de intereses. Este artículo presenta los diferentes debates que se han sucedido a nivel doctrinario con respecto a estas nuevas instituciones que obligan a repensar diversas categorías jurídicas como el acto jurídico y sus causales de anulabilidad y nulidad; el consentimiento informado; o la inimputabilidad.
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    La Defensoría del Pueblo del Perú y el significado de sus recomendaciones
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-05-25) Luque Mogrovejo, Rolando
    The ombudsmen are institutions that investigate to defend rights. The results of their research produce at least these two effects: the verification of the rights affected or put at risk, and the formulation of recommen-dations to introduce positive changes in functional behavior, norms or public policies. But, due to the treatment they receive from state enti-ties, the nature of a recommendation or its significance does not seem to be clear, and even less the obligations that the authorities have in relation to them. This essay approaches the language and the meaning of the recommendations, their “non-binding” nature, and the route that should be followed for their compliance, their discussion, and the use of complementary means to ensure that the defense of rights continues. The basis of the analysis is fundamentally the work carried out by the Peruvian Ombudsman, and the author’s experience in this institution.
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    Los derechos digitales fundamentales: ¿es necesaria su reconfiguración en el ordenamiento jurídico?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-30) González López, Edgar
    El surgimiento de la sociedad digital ha hecho necesario preguntarse si la defensa de los derechos fundamentales en el ámbito digital resulta adecuada bajo los presupuestos clásicos y generales de la Constitución y del ordenamiento jurídico, o si, por el contrario, son requeridas nuevas estipulaciones. En la denominada sociedad de la información, en la cual las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones están en constante expansión y evolución, los ciudadanos han preferido ejercitar sus derechos y desarrollar sus relaciones sociales, culturales, religiosas, políticas y económicas en la sociedad digital, más que en la sociedad presencial. Esta realidad hace necesario que los Estados adopten un régimen jurídico especial que otorgue seguridad jurídica y una adecuada protección a los derechos fundamentales. Es el momento de hablar de los derechos digitales fundamentales.
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    El marco jurídico internacional de los niños soldado. Evolución y nuevos debates tras el Caso Ongwen ante la Corte Penal Internacional
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-26) Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jorge
    La situación de los niños soldado es sin duda uno de los contextos de mayor peligrosidad dentro de la comunidad internacional. Pese a lo amplio de la regulación internacional en la materia (ya dentro del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos o del Derecho Internacional Penal), todavía encontramos cifras ciertamente alarmantes que deben ser interpretadas como un aviso para que los Estados redoblen sus esfuerzos de cara a erradicar cualquier participación de menores en los conflictos armados. Este artículo realiza un análisis sobre la normativa internacional vigente en la materia desde los Protocolos adicionales de 1977 hasta la Convención sobre Derechos del Niño y su Protocolo facultativo relativo a la participación de niños en los conflictos armados. Además, estudia la regulación presente en el Estatuto de Roma y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Penal Internacional al respecto, deteniéndose especialmente en los debates abiertos a colación de la sentencia sobre Dominic Ongwen, antiguo niño soldado.