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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 249
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    Nota sobre la relación de Marion con Levinas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-18) Sebbah, François-David
    This article aims to assess the relevance of Jean Luc Marion’s reading of Levinas’ “ethical relation”. The Levinasian gesture, which could be deployed in several senses, is located at the very heart of the “French moment of Phenomenology”.
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    Guerra, Estado y derecho en Huanta (Ayacucho, Perú) en la Independencia y formación del Estado peruano, 1814-1850
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Pereyra Chávez, Nelson Ernesto
    This article begins with a study of two judicial disputes related to land ownership, which were led by peasants from the Huanta highlands, in the Ayacucho region in Peru. Based on the hermeneutic analysis of the judicial records of the disputes, it argues that these peasants intervened in the lawsuits stimulated by their experience from the independence war and the caudillista conflicts of the 19th century, developing a moral argument that served as a combat weapon to thwart the opponent in the courts and achieve the claim. In this way, they participated in the process of the formation of the republican State, prolonging the violence of war to earlyrepublican law and justice.
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    El derecho y la representación de la protesta política violenta: análisis de un expediente judicial del estallido chileno
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-23) Quiroz Rojas, Loreto Francisca
    Law constitutes a device that serves the purpose of naturalizing the existing social order. This is because the cycle of protests observed since October 2019 in Chile, insofar as it was oriented to produce changes in the social order, puts pressure on the Law. Hence, it is possible to expect that the representations of political protest produced from the legal field during this cycle operate in diverse and opposing senses. In order to investigate the understanding of these meanings and to know how they are confronted, a judicial process oriented to the punishment of actions developed in the framework of these protests is examined. This type of analysis is relevant because what is debated in court has an impact on the discussion and definition of the content of the political rights of citizens. The proposed research is a contribution to the socio-legal understanding of protest, a right at the heart of democracy
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    Fuentes del Derecho y precedentes constitucionales: encuentros y desencuentros en el sistema de justicia del Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-05-25) Díaz Colchado, Juan Carlos
    The paper explores the tensions raised within the Peruvian justice system between different legal sources due to the incorporation of binding constitutional precedent. The Peruvian legal system is ascribed to the family of civil law, where the law is the main source, however, the precedent is an institution of common law systems, where this is the most important source of law, which generates agreements and disagreements. Added to this is the convergence of two processes that are reconfiguring the sources of Peruvian law: the constitutionalization and conventionaliza-tion of law.Therefore, for the Peruvian justice system, the treatment that should be given to the agreement and disagreement that provokes the tensions between the constitutional precedent with the law, with the ordinary precedent and with the inter-American standards, represents a challenge.
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    Mesa Redonda: «Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas: Los Desafíos para un Desarrollo Económico Sostenible»
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Abanto Cabanillas, Alicia; Morales Cuti, Delia; Soria Dall’orso, Carlos Antonio Martín; Rodrigo Prado, Luis Carlos; Peña Jumpa, Antonio
    La llegada de la Vigésima Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP 20) al Perú trae consigo un ambiente de reflexiónacerca del fenómeno del cambio climático. Así, el presente evento buscará generar debateacerca del rol que deberá cumplir el Estado peruano, tanto en el marco del debate de estacumbre, como en medidas generales de mitigación del fenómeno referido.
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    La responsabilidad internacional de los Estados por anular o no reconocer laudos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, Jose Luis
    In the framework of international treaties, with special emphasis on theBilateral investment treaty (Bit), various responsibilities for states that comprise arise. However , what happens when the courts of a country interfere contrary to international standards in full force and effect of an award, the impact caused in that state and that leading to be internationally liable to a Bit or FtA are studied in this essay. the author further analyze jurisprudence of investment arbitration tribunals in cases Saipem v. Bangladesh, ATA v. Jordan Frontier Petroleum v. Czech Republic and White Industries v. India, also focuses on the case of Peru; and urges members of a treaty respect the rules of the game.
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    ¡Para qué te traje!: En busca de una regulación más protectora de los intereses difusos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Campos Ramírez, Raúl; Cruz Castillo, Manuel; Cornejo Arismendi, Jesús Francisco
    On this paper, the authors reflect over the article 82 of the Peruvian Procedural Law. that way, they debate over the defense of diffuse interests, specifically who are entitled to and how to reclaim them. then, they compare Peruvian law with other south American countries like uruguay and Brasil. Finally, they consider which would be the most adequate regulation for our society.
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    La Decisión de Expropiar
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Mejorada Chauca, Martín
    Property rights represent the maximum power over a good. This is the essence of that right. However, beyond that base is possible a greater or smaller degree of limitation, according to the legal system and the prevailing ideology in the Constitution. the author argues that it is essential to tie the concept to the prevailing economic system, because in a closed economy we can tolerate greater limitations on this right that in an open economy. Peru, certainly, changed its model to an open economy in 1993, when it limited the possibility of expropriation. However, this does not ensure eradication of different readings under the veil of a social interest, so the expropriation is only justified for the author if“its realization will positively affect to the entire society”.
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    El derecho comparado de la causalidad aquiliana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Infantino, Marta
    this article analyzes the causal element of torts from the perspective of comparative law, focusing on the field of tort liability. Thus, it specifies both the particular aspects of the investigation as well as each legal system studied. then, the article discusses the differences and similarities of each system. Later, it stops on the dominant approaches examining its success on facing the tort phenomenon in order to highlight the essential characteristics that determine the various approaches tort liability can assume.
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    Delitos Informáticos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Villavicencio Terreros, Felipe A.
    In recent times, due to the development of information technology,a new form of crime called informational crimes has developed. in relation to this new type of crime, a special criminal law was issued, whose purpose is to prevent and punish illegal activities that affect computer systems and datas, secret communications, and other legal goods that are affected withthis type of crime, such as equity, public faith and sexual freedom.