Revista del Instituto Riva Agüero
URI permanente para esta comunidad
ISSN: 2415-5896
e-ISSN: 2519-1470
La Revista del Instituto Riva-Agüero es una publicación semestral que difunde contribuciones en español e inglés de temas peruanistas y de las humanidades, incluidas las áreas de antropología, arqueología, arquitectura, arte y cultura popular, derecho, filosofía, historia, literatura y lingüística. Comprende tres secciones: artículos, notas y reseñas de libros.
Asimismo nuestra publicación pasa por un proceso de evaluación doble ciego realizada por pares externos.
Los criterios para seleccionar las contribuciones se basan en la originalidad, es decir, que no se hayan publicado anteriormente de manera parcial o total (en formato impreso ni electrónico), así como en la pertinencia temática y el rigor científico aplicado en la investigación.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Momentos del Perú en guerra: Testimonio de una vida dedicada a retratar la realidad, pese a sus severas limitaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Jiménez, ErnestoTalking about internal war in Peru is doubly difficult. Because of the issue of political violence that we had to live with and our role as journalists in tow, away from the passions and standard bearers of the famous objectivity whose meaning hammered us every time we took the camera to record what happened. Then came the self-censorship that took us away from the flags that the participants brought as pretexts for the violence unleashed or to unleash. We were interested in the roots of this violence, its origins and the “why” in each case. Thus, we began to see what others did not see: the significance of our documents for history, for its reconstruction. Reviewing my experience of those years (half a century of journalistic work) I have managed to synthesize some objective, transcendental and valid criteria to contribute to history. My search spanned 14 years of conflict. From 1978 (the beginnings of land grabs) until 1992, when they captured the insurgent leaders of the Shining Path. Of course, there are thousands of unpublished images left in the archives. But the demands of the present testimony force us to choose the best (or the worst) of those moments.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El turismo en el Perú: Historia, cadena y problemáticas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Armas Asín, FernandoThe text develops, within the framework of the construction of tourist activity, how it was organized and the role that the entities involved had, reviewing the literature on the matter. It is concluded that tourism as an economic sector was built from various global and local events that affected demand and supply, highlighting the nature of the business chain formed. This text also addresses and delimits problems that have affected tourist activity in the past and affect it still. The study can help to better understand this economy and social activity today.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hacia una tierra de memorias, cuentos y tragedias: La imagen del Perú en la prensa anglófona en China (1874-1939)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Lizarme Villcas, Nashely; Palma, Patricia; Carrasco Weston, José ManuelThe article analyzes the representation of Peru in the English-speaking press in China between 1871 and 1939. During this period, China was interested in learning about Latin America and Peruvian’s economic, political, and social situation, particularly the living and working conditions of Chinese immigrants in Peru. While much of the research regarding the Chinese presence in Peru has focused on how Peruvians perceived Chinese immigrants, this work seeks to contribute to the analysis of the imaginary of Peru in China, particularly in the English-language media regularly published in Shanghai.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las milicias de Ayacucho como agentes de reconstrucción y transformación social en la guerra civil del Perú (1980-2000)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Fumerton, Mario A.This contribution examines why and how civilian militias, called rondas, self-defense committees (CAD) or anti-subversive civil defense (DECAS), emerged during the civil war in Peru. It seeks to explain how they evolved and interacted with other political and social actors at various levels of society during this war; and how they affected the dynamics of daily life during and after the period of political conflict. Most studies on the subject have emphasized the negative aspect of the militias for the excesses they perpetrated, and little attention has been paid to the decisive role they played in the defeat of the Shining Path, under the supervision of the Armed Forces. This text highlights the role of the militias as agents of social reconstruction and positive transformations in the Andean areas of the country, particularly in Ayacucho.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El giro humanitario en la búsqueda de los desaparecidos en América Latina: El caso del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Rivas Belloso, JairoIn the last fifty years, a significant number of Latin American countries have faced periods of massive violations of the human rights of their respective populations, whether in dictatorial regimes, during internal armed conflicts, or in the fight against organized crime (Mexico). One of the tragic consequences of these contexts is the practice of mass disappearances of people, mainly by state agents, but also by non-state armed actors. The complaints raised by relatives of the disappeared and human rights organizations have had the effect of generating obligations for States related to the determination of the whereabouts of the disappeared. In recent years, this responsibility has led to the creation of governmental entities specialized in the search for the disappeared. Under the influence of humanitarianism, these entities do not seek to prove the crime or identify those responsible, but rather to provide answers to relatives who, for a long time, have not known the final fate of their loved ones. This article, after describing the pending task of searching for the disappeared, describes the recent humanitarian turn this task has taken in Latin America, establishing an initial balance regarding its possibilities and limitations, taking the Peruvian experience as the main reference.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El camino de Damasco del converso Francisco de Acevedo: De Galicia al Perú (1591-1604)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Tardieu, Jean-PierreA young Galician converso, initiated to the faith of Moses by the women of his family near the Portuguese border shortly before moving to Peru at the end of the sixteenth century, requested in 1603 the absolution of the Holy Office of Lima, obsessed with the salvation of his soul and his mystical experiences. Managing his neurotic mood, the inquisitors tried to take full advantage of a case of little relevance to give themselves the means to end a crypto-Jewish nucleus that had spread to the Indies.Ítem Texto completo enlazado No todos «por la Patria». Deserciones y problemas logísticos en el ejército durante la independencia peruana, 1820-1822(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Alvarado Luna, Patricio A.The news of the proximity of the Liberating Expedition and the subsequent presence of José de San Martín’s army in the Viceroyalty of Peru generated a series of desertions within the royalist army, both among the high command and among the common troops. We will analyze the measures used by both the viceregal government and the Liberation Army between 1820 and 1822 to solve logistical problems and, especially, to stop desertions. Moreover, the study will be emphasized on the possible reasons why this situation occurred. Likewise, the measures and sanctions taken against these deserters and the effects that this had on the morale of each army will be explained.Ítem Texto completo enlazado José de San Martín y el espacio político indígena. Departamento de Lima, 1821-1822(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Guarisco, ClaudiaThe piece is about the changes introduced by José de San Martín in the local political organization of the Intendancy of Lima, between 1821 and 1822. Those institutional changes had two sources: Spanish Liberalism and the so-called Absolute Monarchy. This work also explores the impact of San Martín’s presence among indigenous towns.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las noticias impresas en la Monarquía Hispánica (siglos XVI-XVIII): nuevos estudios y métodos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-10-26) Firbas, Paul; Jiménez Valdés, JesúsThis work presents the edited conversation of the symposium “Efímero: Early Modern News-Sheets and Pamphlets in the Hispanic World,” held virtually at Stony Brook University in March 2021 with specialists from Europe and the Americas. The text presents new research, methods, bibliography, and projects on sixteenth to eighteenth century printed news, with focus on the transatlantic circulation between Spain and Peru. Specifically, it discusses news networks, the editorial market in Lima (1700-1711), engravings and theater pamphlets related to relaciones de sucesos, censorship, and the circulation of ephemera.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Índice general de Shupihui: Revista Latinoamericana de Actualidad y Análisis (1976-1990)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-10-26) Carranza Orbegoso, JorgeThe index records the content of 52 issues of Shupihui: Revista Latinoamericana de Actualidad y Análisis from the year of its creation in 1976 to its last edition in 1990. The general index presents chronologically the contents of each issue in ascending order from the first to the last issue. The articles maintain the consecutive order and the corresponding pagination.
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