La Colmena

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 2220-4490
e-ISSN: 2414-1321

La Colmena es una revista académica con periodicidad anual, editada por estudiantes de la especialidad de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su primera publicación, en el 2007, tiene el objetivo de ser una plataforma de encuentro para que estudiantes, investigadores y profesores del Perú y Latinoamérica incursionen en la investigación crítico-social y expandan el conocimiento.

El público objetivo de La Colmena, tanto de autores como lectores, son estudiantes y profesores de pregrado y posgrado de universidades peruanas y latinoamericanas, así como investigadores académicos y especialistas vinculados a la sociología y a otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Respecto de la cobertura temática, la revista ha publicado sobre todo investigaciones sociológicas teóricas y aplicadas vinculadas a los siguientes temas: el género, los cuidados, la migración interna y externa, la educación, los procesos de acción colectiva, la religión, el medioambiente, entre otros.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 35
  • Ítem
    El pensamiento sociológico aún vigente, el expertise en la actualidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Mejía, Alessandro Nicolas
    The book Pensando Sociológicamente by Zygmunt Bauman and Tim May has become a classic work in the contemporary sociological discipline and, why not say it, in the social sciences. In this writing, the author proposes the approach to sociology as an instrument that provides us with the ability to study social relationships, analyzing experiences together with others and understanding them as part of a network of personal interrelationships, in addition to addressing the marked difference between everyday common sense and the sociological discipline. Finally, the social relevance of the book is highlighted, since it mentions the concept of technological expertise, from which it is feasible to extract an example and link it to the new form of remote work originated from social isolation due to covid-19.
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    Desde la red social Facebook: #NiUnaMenos en Lima 2016
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Cruz de la Torre, Jessica Daniela
    In its inception, the social network Facebook was created for entertainment purposes. However, in this new digital age, interaction through social networks has become a new means to act. In these, a user can share a post or react to it if they feel it is aligned with their own interests. In this way, the user’s interest or emotions towards a certain cause or event are expressed and they can identify with it. One cause was to combat violence against women from the #NiUnaMenos social movement, in which they organized a massive march in August 2016 in Lima. In this article, it is attempted to find out how the use of Facebook influenced the formation of the aforementioned movement in Lima during 2016. It is proposed that it was done in two ways: as a means for collective mass organization for offline activities and as an instrument to build a discourse seeking to improve a situation through collective action. The methodology of this research is based on a balance of secondary sources that include: theses, magazine articles, books and other documents. Finally, it was found that Facebook provided specific tools for communication such as messaging, groups and a fan page. All of them helped the organization of the social movement #NiUnaMenos and were means by which immediate interaction and overcoming spatial limitations between people with similar interests was feasible, as well as the construction of a discourse around the situation of oppression and inequality that women experience through collective action.
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    De reformas políticas a la esfera de lo público: Reflexionando acerca del papel de las organizaciones, movimientos sociales y ciudadanía en la política de la mano de dos politólogos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Molero Romero, Mauricio; Ccompi Guerrero, Hernan Gonzalo
    No presenta resumen.
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    La élite empresarial y la formación de la hegemonía neoliberal del Perú desde una perspectiva gramsciana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Macedo, Antonio
    The present work focuses on the configuration of actors and the discursive component of the neoliberal paradigm, and analyzes, in particular, from the Gramscian approach of analysis of relations of forces, the role that the business elite group had in the formation of neoliberal hegemony in the nineties. First, it explains what this theoretical approach consists of and, especially, the concepts of political power relations and hegemony. With these categories, it is possible to understand the ideological/discursive and articulating dimensions of neoliberal hegemony in its early years. Secondly, the history of the business elite in the years prior to the 1990s is briefly explained, as well as the context of crisis that allowed the emergence of a neoliberal hegemony. It addresses, on the one hand, the process of articulation of the business elite based on its union unity, and, on the other hand, it points out how the generalized crisis of the previous paradigm, the developmental one, was key to understanding the unity of the large companies. companies and to understand the advance of neoliberal ideas in the discursive field. Third and finally, thanks to contradictions in the literature and certain research gaps, the articulating and discursive aspects of neoliberal hegemony in its beginnings and the dominant role of the business elite in its articulation are explained, according to Gramscian categories. with other groups and in relation to neoliberal ideology
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    Democracia participativa, derechos humanos y terruqueo de la prensa alternativa: Una entrevista a Rael Mora
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Romero Alvarado, Valerin Venneth; Granados Ibañez, Yanira Liset; Rodas Cienfuegos, Ulises Alexander
    No presenta resumen.
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    “Dios te diría ‘Yo no te hice esclava’”: percepciones del rol de la mujer en una iglesia cristiana de Lima
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Diaz Saenz, Lucia Cristina; Villegas Guerrero, Lucia Victoria; Cruz Pacheco, Brisa Alejandra
    This article analyzes gender perceptions among women in the Agua Viva, Christian church, in Metropolitan Lima and Callao (Peru), based on Francois Dubet’ sociology of experience. The research uses a qualitative approach through interviews with seven members of the Church. The findings show convergences between women’s religious beliefs and their perceptions of gender roles in the family, education, work, and community participation. Although there is consensus among those interviewed about the importance of female participation in public life, there are also tensions between their experiences and views on gender roles in the private sphere, especially around marriage and motherhood. Women justify and interpret their perceptions based, among other elements, on their religious principles, expressing conservative beliefs and others adopting more progressive perspectives. The study highlights the diversity of interpretations and attitudes among participants, challenging the stereotype of extreme conservatism in evangelical churches and revealing nuances in the perspectives of women within these religious communities.
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    Trabajando bajo el control del algoritmo: El caso de los repartidores de Rappi en Lima Metropolitana en el contexto de pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Mogollón Barrionuevo, Natalia
    The growth of the gig economy in recent years has revolutionized the world of work due to the changes that have been generated in the organization, forms of control and structure of the labor market in an increasingly flexible and technological context; However, this is accompanied by characteristics typical of job insecurity. In this context, the article seeks to answer how gig economy workers adapt and react to the forms of control and power exercised by platforms. Based on the experience of delivery people from the Rappi platform in Metropolitan Lima based on a case study, this research focuses on two important points: on the one hand, the control strategies used by the company over its workers are analyzed, taking advantage of the crisis generated by COVID-19 and, on the other hand, the immigration situation that characterizes the majority of this workforce. Thus, four forms of control are identified: the customer evaluation system, the flexibility discourse, information asymmetry, and rewards and incentives. On the other hand, it investigates the tactics and mechanisms used by delivery workers as a response to carry out, avoid and resist the degradation of working conditions. This article offers a double contribution: first, it addresses a topic little studied in a particular context such as the Peruvian one, whose labor market is characterized by being highly informal and precarious; and, secondly, it constitutes an advance in research on the relationships of control and resistance in the gig economy.
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    ¿Por qué existen empresas y no solo mercados? Repensando a Ronald Coase en un mundo que se virtualiza
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Linares Cano, Claudia A.
    Why do companies exist? That is the question that should alarm an economist since it calls into question the coherence of the neoclassical model: companies coordinate and organize the factors of production in a centralized way, just like the market, which by default would always do it better. Ronald Coase has been the standard to respond: the balance between transaction costs and organizational costs within the company determine whether you alternatively use the company or the market to coordinate economic resources. They are perfect substitutes. However, is that argument always valid and is it particularly valid in an increasingly digitalized economy? This is the question that will guide this essay; Therefore, we will review why or purpose of the company, the alternative explanations for its existence, the different mutations that companies have adopted since the period of flexibility in the 80s and the technological changes associated with the digitalization of society. With this overview, it is possible for us to relativize Coase’s proposal and suggest criteria used in disciplines that are related to understand the company.
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    Tu príncipe azul es un agresor: la idealización del amor romántico y su influencia en la violencia de género dentro del contexto latinoamericano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Guevara Bustamente, Andrea
    Romantic love constitutes a repertoire of beliefs about the ideal of love, ideas that build imaginaries about what is expected in relationships, as well as about the behaviors considered appropriate for women and men in the sexual-affective sphere. Violence against women is a recurring crime in Latin America; it is constantly perpetuated within the intimate sphere of the victims, especially by their partners or ex-partners. Taking into account the validity of both phenomena, this research analyzed the influence of the idealization of romantic love on gender violence within couples of heterosexual adolescents and young people in Latin America through a bibliographic review. In this sense, the objective was to analyze the contextualization and impact of this current on gender violence, for which the concept of romantic love and the meaning of gender violence are explained. Furthermore, the work in question showed how the idealization of this theory of Western love has normalized, facilitated and eroticized gender violence within couples, specifically among young people and adolescents in Latin America. In the first instance, the justification of harmful socio-emotional behaviors, such as emotional dependence and the decision to prioritize the partner, was explained based on this socio-historical construction of love. Secondly, the way in which this ideal strengthens gender roles was analyzed. In this way, it was concluded that romantic love facilitates violence, romanticizing aggressive attitudes and gender stereotypes.
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    Vivienda e informalidad urbana: el caso de Airbnb y sus posibles impactos en un distrito de Lima
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Pérez Guerra, Joaquín
    Recent studies have considered urban informality as a multidimensional problem, and have discussed whether it is really a deviation or externality of formality. The objective of this essay is to prove that Airbnb’s operation in Lima occurs in a rental market where private and state actors co-produce informality to satisfy their interests. First, the argument is presented that Airbnb exploits local conditions of informality in contexts of deregulation, as well as state ambiguity in order to facilitate accumulation processes. From this, secondly, it is argued that the presence of Airbnb has serious effects on the production of the city: urban investment, gentrification, construction and residentiality. To do this, the possible impact of Airbnb in the Barranco district is analyzed. It is concluded that: i) informality is a modus operandi of urban planning by the State and private actors, and that it is not separated from the formal system, and ii) that Airbnb activity has bidirectional effects on socio-spatial aspects. of the general rental market such as investment in urban housing, gentrification and residentiality. Attempting a more detailed understanding of the various dimensions of urban informality in Peru is an urgent exercise, especially if we consider that the phenomenon of informality is a recurring and primary concern in discussions about public and economic policies, as well as in deliberation policy.