La Colmena

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 2220-4490
e-ISSN: 2414-1321

La Colmena es una revista académica con periodicidad anual, editada por estudiantes de la especialidad de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su primera publicación, en el 2007, tiene el objetivo de ser una plataforma de encuentro para que estudiantes, investigadores y profesores del Perú y Latinoamérica incursionen en la investigación crítico-social y expandan el conocimiento.

El público objetivo de La Colmena, tanto de autores como lectores, son estudiantes y profesores de pregrado y posgrado de universidades peruanas y latinoamericanas, así como investigadores académicos y especialistas vinculados a la sociología y a otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Respecto de la cobertura temática, la revista ha publicado sobre todo investigaciones sociológicas teóricas y aplicadas vinculadas a los siguientes temas: el género, los cuidados, la migración interna y externa, la educación, los procesos de acción colectiva, la religión, el medioambiente, entre otros.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Ítem
    El pensamiento sociológico aún vigente, el expertise en la actualidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Mejía, Alessandro Nicolas
    The book Pensando Sociológicamente by Zygmunt Bauman and Tim May has become a classic work in the contemporary sociological discipline and, why not say it, in the social sciences. In this writing, the author proposes the approach to sociology as an instrument that provides us with the ability to study social relationships, analyzing experiences together with others and understanding them as part of a network of personal interrelationships, in addition to addressing the marked difference between everyday common sense and the sociological discipline. Finally, the social relevance of the book is highlighted, since it mentions the concept of technological expertise, from which it is feasible to extract an example and link it to the new form of remote work originated from social isolation due to covid-19.
  • Ítem
    Reflexiones acerca de la brecha digital en la educación a distancia durante la pandemia de COVID-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-26) Vertiz Manco, María Belén; Salas Oscco, Claudia Gisell
    Within the context generated by an event with a global effect such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, it can be asserted that –along with the adequate provision of basic needs for human survival– education is one of the factors of daily life to which the greatest concentration for preserving is dedicated. In this sense, there is a considerable advantage: an alternative methodology to the coexistence of teachers and students in a common physical space, which, although it was not an option for general application, was not completely alien to the average student in a country like Peru. We refer to long-distance education. However, while the immediate benefits of adopting this system, at first glance so accessible, are in fact many, the untimely imposition of long-distance education at all educational levels in the country was not established without challenges or setbacks. The widening of the digital gap –once a relatively passive reality to ignore for those who did not perceive themselves as particularly affected by it– reached new heights with breakneck speed and became a major concern due to its effect on the ability of Peruvian students to continue receiving their instruction under the virtual modality, or, failing that, to make visible in a forceful way the effects of the increasingly acute social inequality that harms the country.
  • Ítem
    Quince días largos: la pandemia en una comunidad terapéutica para usuarios de drogas en Lambayeque (2020-2021)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-26) Caycay Carpio, Renzo Josue
    The lack of mental health care in Lambayeque has motivated the creation of informal projects for the rehabilitation and punishment of drug use in young people. This research seeks to understand how the program of a therapeutic community is assembled with the logic of medical immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The latter had consequences on the health and economy of families, which reduce the financial capacity of rehabilitation projects. Based on an ethnographic work and the narratives of five inmates about their first fifteen days of quarantine in the establishment, we show that, far from representing an organizational limitation, the pandemic consolidates the disciplinary procedures of this and other punitive, clinical, and mental complexes. Compared with the known situation, the new modality of preventive reception of the disease is functional to the programming process that turns the individual into an object susceptible to reformulation and transformation.