La Colmena

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ISSN: 2220-4490
e-ISSN: 2414-1321

La Colmena es una revista académica con periodicidad anual, editada por estudiantes de la especialidad de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su primera publicación, en el 2007, tiene el objetivo de ser una plataforma de encuentro para que estudiantes, investigadores y profesores del Perú y Latinoamérica incursionen en la investigación crítico-social y expandan el conocimiento.

El público objetivo de La Colmena, tanto de autores como lectores, son estudiantes y profesores de pregrado y posgrado de universidades peruanas y latinoamericanas, así como investigadores académicos y especialistas vinculados a la sociología y a otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Respecto de la cobertura temática, la revista ha publicado sobre todo investigaciones sociológicas teóricas y aplicadas vinculadas a los siguientes temas: el género, los cuidados, la migración interna y externa, la educación, los procesos de acción colectiva, la religión, el medioambiente, entre otros.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Ítem
    El lugar de la mujer: La segregación ocupacional horizontal por razón de género en el mercado laboral peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-22) Quispe Paucar, Angie Cristina
    This essay delves into the persistent problem of occupational gender segregation in the labor market and its impact on equal opportunities. Despite the increase in female participation in the workforce in recent decades, labor inequalities remain a reality that poses significant challenges to achieving gender equity in the workplace. In the Peruvian context, a marked occupational segregation is evident: women predominate in sectors such as services and commerce, while men mostly occupy “masculinized” positions in the formal private sector. The methodology used combines an exhaustive review of the literature from economic and gender perspectives with the analysis of official statistics and scientific publications. The bibliographic review is carried out from a multidisciplinary approach, which combines economic and gender elements, allowing a comprehensive analysis of occupational segregation based on gender. The collection and processing of relevant quantitative information on occupational segregation in the Peruvian context provides a solid basis for understanding the current situation and trends in the Peruvian labor market in relation to gender segregation. In this way, it seeks to make visible the pre-existing dimensions that define the place of women in the Peruvian labor market.
  • Ítem
    El cuidado externalizado y la migración Internacional de mujeres: Ensayo sobre sus efectos en las formas familiares del sur y norte globales (1990-2010)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Anicama, Daniela
    This research seeks to explain the interrelation between international migration and care work based on the analysis of the experience of two main actors: mothers and families. It is suggested that the impact that both processes have together transcends geographical barriers. However, it also presents particularities depending on the place of residence of the subjects who participate in them. The importance of these two phenomena lies in the usefulness they represent for the global economic organization, being evident in the role of transnational mothers and the impact within the context of their own families. The study starts from the understanding of the beginning and development of both processes in history, considering their dynamics, the structures that make their evolution possible over time and the conditions under which mothers and families are inserted in said narrative.