1. Doctorado
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/7310
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Effects of Channel Integration on the Omnichannel Customer Experience(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Balbín Buckley, José Antonio Martín; Marquina Feldman, Percy SamoelDespite the importance of knowing how to offer a superior, consistent, and holistic customer experience in an omnichannel setting, studies of these variables using a multidimensional approach have been few. This paper seeks to close existing knowledge gaps regarding the relationship between channel integration in an omnichannel strategy and customers’ cognitive, affective, physical, sensorial, and relational experience. The study was conducted by surveying a random sample of 516 people in Peru from an online panel. The target selection consisted of people who have made purchases in at least two of the three defined purchase channels in the last six months from companies with an omnichannel strategy. The results show that the integration of price and product, transaction information, and order fulfilment significantly impacts the omnichannel customer’s affective and cognitive experience. Additionally, promotion integration affects the customer’s relational and sensorial experience. Commercial spaces are thus important in guaranteeing the consistency of promotions and advertising—not only rational messages, but also visual and sensorial impressions in general. The integration of service impacts the customer’s physical, relational, and affective experience, while the integration of information access shows an effect on the customer’s physical and sensorial experience.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Direct and indirect effect of last mile logistics performance on user intention of crowdsourced delivery services(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Guerra Regalado, Wilson Fernando; Guevara Moncada, RubénLa literatura sobre logística colaborativa" (CSL) y logística de última milla hasta ahora se ha centrado principalmente en la percepción de los consumidores como "co-creadores. Sin embargo, hay una brecha en la literatura sobre la percepción de los consumidores como destinatarios de esta logística. El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el efecto directo del Rendimiento Logístico de Última Milla (LMLP), sobre la Intención de Usuario (UI) del usuario final de las plataformas de entrega colaborativas, e indirecto a través de la Confianza Percibida (PT) y la Expectativa de Desempeño (PE ). La metodología aplicada consta de 721 encuestas, recolectadas a través de un instrumento validado. Para el análisis se aplicó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM), por mínimos cuadrados parciales. El modelo seleccionado presentó Índices de Ajuste fuertes (CFI=0.976; TLI=0.970; RMSEA; = 0.044; SRMR=0.025). No hay efecto directo de LMLP y PT sobre UI (p = 0,175, 0,054), pero sí existen relaciones indirectas. La conclusión es que LMLP y PT son considerados por los usuarios finales de los servicios de entrega colaborativos como parte del desempeño de la empresa en su conjunto al momento de decidir utilizar estas plataformas. Para futuras investigaciones, se recomienda primero, investigar factores asociados a la cultura; segundo, estratificar los resultados para evaluar diferencias entre grupos de edad; tercero, estudiar factores internos que pueden afectar la intención de uso de estas plataformas, como la experiencia del usuario, la facilidad de uso, el control percibido, que no fueron considerados; cuarto, realizar una investigación que contemple las diferencias de marca.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Drivers of the sharing economy that affect consumers’ usage behavior: Moderation of perceived risk(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Anaya López, Óscar Antonio; De La Vega Hernandez, Ivan ManuelIn the access to peer-to-peer sharing of goods and services through a technology platform, which is known as the sharing economy, there is no consensus on the factors that motivate consumers. This study aimed to investigate the moderating effect of perceived risk on consumers’ participation in the sharing economy in a developing country. Following a quantitative approach, a survey was conducted among 400 consumers in the Metropolitan Zone of Puebla City, Mexico. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data. Economic benefits, enjoyment, and trust drove the usage behavior of consumers in the sharing economy. In addition, perceived risk significantly moderated the relationships that usage behavior has with the economic benefits and the feeling of the community. As predicted by social exchange theory, the consumers made choices based on a subjective cost–benefit analysis, showing flexibility in the type and amount of rewards. This study contributes to knowledge about customer behavior in the context of the sharing economy.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Factors Influencing Green Purchasing Inconsistency of Ecuadorian Millennials(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-29) Carrión Bósquez, Nelson Geovany; Arias Bolzmann, Leopoldo Gabriel IgnacioEnvironmental protection has become one of the main concerns for consumers, which is why green consumption is an alternative to balance customer demand satisfaction and environmental protection. Despite the existence of different studies on green consumption, several questions remain unanswered, one of them is ¿why environmental awareness does not always lead to real purchases? which shows a need to know the factors that influence this behavior gap. This research aimed to identify whether attitudes and subjective norms influence the green purchase intentions of Ecuadorian millennials, it also analyzed whether the purchase intentions resulted in actual purchases, as well as the factors that influenced green purchasing inconsistencies. The research was quantitative and cross-sectional design, 710 millennials participated in the study. The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions and the data obtained were subjected to Cronbach's Alpha tests and Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the validity of the proposed model was verified through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equations, using IBM SPSS Statistics 2.0. and AMOS 24. The results showed that subjective attitudes and norms influence purchase intentions. However, 82% of those intentions did not result in actual purchases. Habits are the main factor influencing green inconsistencies, while skepticism influences purchase intentions, availability and lack of knowledge influences consumer habits.Ítem Texto completo enlazado The Relationship of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Purchase Intention, and Lifestyle in First-generation Bicultural Ethnic Groups(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-04-07) Aguilar Rodríguez, Iliana Elizabeth; Arias Bolzmann, Leopoldo Gabriel IgnacioThis study analyzed the relationship between first-generation Colombian – Canadian bicultural ethnic consumers, their purchase intention, and lifestyles. These common types of consumers were to make purchases depending on the lifestyle, bicultural ethnic group, and the ethnocentric trends that might differ from the country of origin or the host country. There were 158 surveys administered in Toronto, Canada. Structural Equation Modeling was applied, using the Unweighted Least Squares Estimates and Maximum Likelihood Methods. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was run using the principal axis method and Promax rotation after conducting the multivariate normality tests, reliability, and discriminant and convergent validity tests. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis guaranteed an adequate measurement model. The purchase intention was explained as 85.2% for lifestyle factors, such as self-reliance and leadership, nurturing and family orientation, household oriented and industrious, and ethnocentrism in Colombia and Canada. It was found that lifestyle factors were not significantly related to purchase intention. However, ethnocentrism positively impacted Canadian product perceptions and a negative impact on Colombian products. Results showed that lifestyles (activities, interests, and opinions [AIO]) are not always key elements in consumer’s purchase intentions. Bicultural consumer ethnocentric trends are stronger in the host country because consumers in a developing country accept more developed countries. The study supported the theory of social identity (Tajfel, 1982) and optimal distinction (Brewer, 1979), which suggests consumers would have a bias towards the country with which they identify or experience dual or divided loyalties between the country of origin and the host country.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El comportamiento participativo y la lealtad actitudinal y conductual en la universidad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-07-17) Cañizares Cedeño, Edgar Leonardo; Pino Jordan, Ricardo MiguelLas recientes tecnologías, especialmente las de comunicaciones, y la realidad social y económica cada vez más dinámica, hacen que las organizaciones de servicios enfrenten nuevos retos para atraer y retener clientes. A pesar de que todavía hay polémica al respecto, cada vez es más frecuente la visión de las universidades como organizaciones de servicio y sus estudiantes como consumidores, por lo tanto, enfrentan similares problemas que las demás organizaciones. Existe una falta de evidencia empírica sobre el efecto que el comportamiento participativo de los estudiantes pueda tener en su lealtad hacia su universidad, además de que el concepto de lealtad enfrenta variaciones en su definición. Basados en la teoría del comportamiento planeado, la presente investigación exploró la relación entre el comportamiento participativo de los estudiantes universitarios y la lealtad conductual, teniendo como mediadora a la lealtad actitudinal. Aplicando un instrumento validado a 237 estudiantes de varias universidades en Guayaquil, Ecuador, y utilizando un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados mostraron una influencia positiva y significativa del comportamiento participativo con la lealtad conductual, teniendo la lealtad actitudinal un efecto de mediación total. La recomendación positiva se mostró como un buen medidor de la lealtad actitudinal, al igual que la intención de recompra con la lealtad conductual, mientras que el soporte de los ex alumnos a la institución no tuvo resultados concluyentes. Estos resultados traen implicancias para los académicos y practicantes en el sentido de tener una comprensión más profunda de la lealtad y de sus antecedentes, así como para tener nuevas herramientas para la planificación estratégica y la orientación del liderazgo dentro de las organizaciones.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Manifestaciones de la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana en la cultura de consumo: un estudio descriptivo sobre el consumo de información en twitter(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-14) Pérez, Maximiliano B.; Arias Bolzmann, Leopoldo Gabriel IgnacioLa presente investigación estudia la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana con el objetivo de encontrar cómo se relacionan el género, la subcultura de consumo, las imágenes, los textos y los objetos en la cultura de consumo. La investigación realizada es descriptiva y cualitativa, utiliza el método netnográfico; se adopta la red social Twitter como instrumento para recabar conversaciones publicadas por usuarios que pertenecen a organizaciones o grupos de activistas de la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana. El resultado de la categorización y clasificación de las conversaciones devela cómo se construye la información y cual es el objetivo del mensaje en la audiencia que consume dicha información. Los hallazgos principales evidencian temas comunes cuyo contenido son tópicos relacionados a noticias, derechos humanos e igualdad de género. La conceptualización de los temas se construye a partir del consumo de información en ambientes de tipo social, cultural y político. Las ideologías culturales se fundamentan en el análisis crítico del discurso tecnocultural sobre tópicos abordados de manera recurrente. Se concluye que, la vinculación de imágenes, textos y objetos en las conversaciones proporciona información significativa del comportamiento de consumo de la subcultura homosexual. Con base a los resultados y hallazgos se propone un modelo que describe factores culturales de la subcultura homosexual y lo convierte en un esquema dinámico que podría adaptarse para analizar y graficar el flujo de conversaciones que conlleve a descubrir elementos culturales, con el propósito de reaccionar de manera congruente con el entorno de las subculturas minoritarias.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Theoretical explanation of brand rejuvenation: a substantive theory(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-02-06) Villegas, Juliana; Guevara Moncada, RubénThe purpose of this research study that uses a qualitative approach was to propose an intermediate theory using the Grounded Theory, that would theoretically explain the brand rejuvenation phenomenon. To do this, several criteria were defined that lead to a sample of 18 brands that had undergone a rejuvenation process. As sources of evidence, in depth interviews were held with senior executives that participated in the branding work, as well as a documentary review of the rejuvenation process for each of these brands, an in-depth literature review and an evaluation by 10 experts who compared the aging brand and the rejuvenated brand for each of the 18 cases. After interpreting the primary and secondary data using the Atlas Ti 8 software and comparing its results with scattered knowledge found in the literature review, an intermediate theory emerged, that responded to the study’s questions on three topics: The symptoms of brand aging, the brand rejuvenation intervention process, and the results of brand rejuvenation. This allowed concluding that, to explain the brand rejuvenation process, it is necessary to go back to its causes, understand its motivators and purposes, implement a process for planning, executing and evaluating the rejuvenation phenomenon, and investigating its results. A step-by-step process was also identified that explains how the brand rejuvenation process occurs and that accounts for the reversal of the brand aging process. It was reaffirmed that brand rejuvenation is necessary because it responds to different requirements of the environment, of the firm and to certain strategic marketing goals. Proposals for future studies include proving, quantitatively, the 16 propositions put forward in this research study that provide a theoretical explanation for brand rejuvenation. Another suggestion is to expand the scope with failed cases, other brand taxonomies, or a review of the phenomenon from a demand perspective.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Measuring digital era impact on brand interaction among young emerging consumers: a case study of colombian consumers(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-11-08) Cabrera Rios, NelsonTraditional marketing employs the brand funnel metaphor to explain the purchasing process of customers, in order to better aim its efforts towards influencing their decisions. Said funnel is based around five stages: awareness, consideration, buy, loyalty and engagement. However, there is a new reality of hyper-connected digital consumers, which have at their disposition hundreds of means of communication, changing their relationship with brands and putting the significance and accuracy of the brand funnel into question. This is especially prevalent among young emerging consumers. The current study measured and analyzes the impact of the digital era on brand interaction among young emerging consumers in the Colombian case, thus focusing on emerging markets, while analyzing brands in both mass consumption and durable goods markets. A structural equation model (SEM) was created to estimate how these new technologies affected the relationships between the stages of the brand funnel, while controlling factors such as media drivers, age and socioeconomic stratum. It was found that social interactions affect consumers’ confidence and hold a significant sway on purchasing decisions, especially among young consumers. Significantly, the importance of social network recommendations on purchasing decisions among young demographics in emerging markets was validated through the results of the current studyÍtem Texto completo enlazado La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores peruanos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012-11-20) Marquina Feldman, Percy Samoel; D’Alessio Ipinza, Fernando AntonioSi bien la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial ha venido ganando relevancia a nivel internacional, en el Perú, no existían estudios empíricos que permitiesen conocer su impacto en el consumidor. Esta investigación busca determinar la influencia que la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial tiene en el comportamiento de compra de los peruanos, a nivel Lima. Se desarrolló un experimento bajo la Metodología de los Modelos de Elección Discreta con el objetivo de poder cuantificar la intención de compra y la disposición a pagar por las acciones de responsabilidad social desarrolladas por las empresas. El experimento se llevó a cabo utilizando una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 120 consumidores limeños. La investigación brinda evidencia empírica de la relación positiva existente entre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el comportamiento de compra de la muestra. Los resultados del estudio indican que el efecto de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en su conjunto es superior al de las Competencias Corporativas.