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ISSN 2305-7467
e-ISSN 2413-5437
La revista Conexión es una iniciativa académica del Departamento de Comunicaciones de la PUCP, que tiene como objetivo fomentar la investigación y la redacción de ensayos vinculados al tema de las comunicaciones. Se publica una vez al año y colaboran en ella profesores de planta del Departamento, así como investigadores y docentes invitados de otras universidades del país y del extranjero. Los artículos publicados en la revista son originales y se someten a una revisión editorial antes de ser publicados.
Los campos de interés de las comunicaciones son amplios y variados, y esa diversidad de miradas es la que garantiza la interdisciplinariedad de nuestras búsquedas, vincula la heterogeneidad de nuestros objetos de estudio y conecta de manera transversal nuestros hallazgos. En la actividad de la vida académica, Conexión ofrece un lugar de encuentro para la comunicación social con los otros dominios del saber.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Entre archivos, imágenes y colaboraciones: Tomate Colectivo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-19) Gonzales Oviedo, Julio CésarThe essay proposes an approach to the audiovisual practices of the popular communication group Tomate Colectivo. Based on the experience of the audiovisual series Trazando resistencias (tomatecolectivo, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c, 2014d, 2014e, 2014f, 2014g y 2014h), it invites us to question visuality as a field in tension that involves the production, distribution and cultural meanings of images in audiovisual practices in contexts of ecoterritorial struggles. In this way, an attempt is made to investigate the relevance of the collective’s digital audiovisual archives as a potential space for research and construction of narratives, which not only document social and cultural processes, but also construct countervisualities from the ecoterritorial struggles in Cajamarca, Peru.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Memoria archivada del chisme. Análisis de un caso de infidelidad mediática(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-25) Solís López, Augusto-PavelThe article aims to analyze the discourse of infidelity gossip in a Peruvian show business couple, focusing on the construction of memory about infidelity in the social network X during the year 2024. A descriptive qualitative analysis technique is employed based on a selection of 115 highlighted tweets collected from the X API, with the terms Christian Domínguez and Pamela Franco. The analysis focuses on the categories of monogamy, cheating and infidelity information according to gender. The results indicate that there is a difference in the interpretation of the memory of infidelity in the case of Dominguez, with a greater scope and conversations that use humor as part of the discourse. In contrast, in the case of Franco, more judgments about his behavior are observed, as well as assessments related to his emotions and body, and a lower presence of humor. In conclusion, the mediatization of gossip in Peru does generate distinctions about who is considered unfaithful, influenced by gender and the personal history of each individual in relation to this behavior.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La voz rebalsa imágenes. Sobre el "Podcast del Archivo de la Memoria Trans" (Argentina)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-23) de la Jara Plaza, BlasArchivo de la Memoria Trans (AMT - Trans Memory Archive) is a project conceived from collective organization in Argentina. Throughout the transversalization of transgender perspectives, it deploys memories in perpetual interpellation and re-reading of transitional justice processes. Mainly comprised of a photographic collection, the work of this initiative privileges visuality. However, it also proposes a response to the silences of under-recording and the limitations of the image regarding a multidimensional historical trauma. In this sense, the AMT Podcast emerges from the desire to express the density of sensitive experience beyond the photographic frame. Transcending visualities, sound narratives enrich the AMT's media ecosystem upon their unleash.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Memoria y gráfica popular en el espacio público: un acercamiento cromático desde la semiótica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-04-25) Yalán Dongo, Eduardo EnriqueThis article analyzes the role of cultural memory through the chromatic plastic signs of the Peruvian popular graphic advertisement. The corpus considers the graphic-advertising production that circulates in the public space in downtown Lima, Peru. The qualitative reconstruction of the relationships between memory, space and chromatic plasticity is carried out through the semiotic gaze of a tensive approach, which allows us to appreciate the role of intensity in popular visual production. The reflection concludes in the contrast of the memory of retention of playful colors of the ghost sign versus a memory of functional color ostension of the urban popular graphics. This difference makes it possible to identify economic isotopies that promote the erosion of spatial and political rootedness with respect to the public.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Miradas en lucha, hacia un archivo audiovisual comunitario(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Gonzales Oviedo, Julio CésarWith the advance of socio-environmental conflict in Peru, committed audiovisual practices emerge that accompany and document the eco-territorial struggles of the last 20 years from social movements. For this reason, an approach is proposed to the construction of a community audiovisual archive that recovers narratives and memories of these disputes in the fight for the defense of territory and common goods.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Memorias de pescadores: rescatando la historia de la comunidad de Lobitos, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Gonzales, Amanda; Lacan, NinaThis article presents the methodology and main results of a research/action project called “Fishermen’s Memories”, conducted by the two authors in the coastal town of Lobitos (Northern Peru). The project aims to reconstruct the history of Lobitos basing itself on the voices of members of the local fishing community, in order to highlight their own narratives and vision of the past and enable them to transmit these to the younger generations. After presenting the goals, methodology and context of the project, we reflect upon some of the main results of our research and try to explore the defining elements of this community’s identity and the way it perceives and analyzes its history. Finally, we describe the work that was carried out with the participants and present the main products of the project as well as its future prospects.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alias Alejandro y Sibila, retrato familiar del conflicto armado interno en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Godoy, MauricioAmong the political documentary cinema in Latin America, Peru documentary has been focused in its internal conflict since the last fifteen years. This subject has been on the core of different analysis and publications. However, the subjective turn has not been taking importance along these works. In this article the author discusses about the importance on the subjectivity through the analysis of the films Alias Alejandro (Cárdenas, 2005) and Sibila (Arredondo, 2012), in which ones with an autobiographical approach results in a complex final product, taking distance of the apparent “truth” representations mainly boarded by classical documentaries films.