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ISSN 2305-7467
e-ISSN 2413-5437

La revista Conexión es una iniciativa académica del Departamento de Comunicaciones de la PUCP, que tiene como objetivo fomentar la investigación y la redacción de ensayos vinculados al tema de las comunicaciones. Se publica una vez al año y colaboran en ella profesores de planta del Departamento, así como investigadores y docentes invitados de otras universidades del país y del extranjero. Los artículos publicados en la revista son originales y se someten a una revisión editorial antes de ser publicados.

Los campos de interés de las comunicaciones son amplios y variados, y esa diversidad de miradas es la que garantiza la interdisciplinariedad de nuestras búsquedas, vincula la heterogeneidad de nuestros objetos de estudio y conecta de manera transversal nuestros hallazgos. En la actividad de la vida académica, Conexión ofrece un lugar de encuentro para la comunicación social con los otros dominios del saber.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Ítem
    El teatro: una propuesta metodológica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-03-12) Pastor, Lorena
    El artículo no presenta resumen.
  • Ítem
    Concentración de medios o concentración de temas en el periodismo digital peruano. Un acercamiento cuantitativo al problema
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-08-13) Pastor, Lorena; Tomotaki, Silvia
    The article presents the experience of the Performing Arts Workshop in Ancón II Model Penitentiary, from the point of view of the artists who facilitate the experience. What senses unfold? What are the creative routes and processes? The artistic experience is embodied as a process that transcends the scene, proposing the production and circulation of discourses and performances from the voice of its protagonists: the young men and women inmates at the prison. The body constitutes the central axis of subjective, discursive and performative production. The authors reflect on the performing arts as the production of experiences and relationships in the context of deprivation of liberty, understanding the processes as explorations and bonds in constant construction, as well as a research space that questions them regarding the meaning of their work and their role as artists.
  • Ítem
    Distrito 9: una subversión al abandono neoliberal desde la performatividad de nuevas alteridades afectivas en el planeta
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-12-12) Patiño-Patroni Palacios, Alexis
    In this essay, I analyze the science fiction narrative of the film District 9 as a dismantling device for the biopolitical strategies of contemporary liberal democracy. While obscenely legitimizing the utilitarian, post-colonial, and violent characteristics of its forms of representation and subjectivation, the film shows how this global order also sediments epistemic dogmas and regimes of truth, camouflaged through its multicultural recognition policies. As a counterpart, I identify the empathetic relation of the protagonists, and their seek for other possible bonds between the various human and non-human manifestations, making their conditions of possibility visible in the fictions of encounter that the narrative poses to spectators performative imitation. Finally, although I focus on textual interpretation, the predominant approach in the field of film studies, I outline the film’s ability to impact everyday practices and its possibilities beyond spectatorship. In fact, as a conceptual project, District 9 deploys some strategies that transcend conventional film reception to challenge the field of sociopolitical action.