Centro de Liderazgo Socialmente Responsable, Mujer y Equidad
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/166750
Desarrollar investigación de vanguardia orientada al liderazgo socialmente responsable, a fomentar la diversidad y la equidad en el mundo empresarial. Cuenta con cuatro grandes líneas de investigación: progreso social; liderazgo socialmente responsable; mujer, diversidad y equidad; e integridad corporativa.
Ítem Acceso Abierto Behavioural Dynamic Model of Consensus, Cohesion, Conflict and Potency of Top Management Teams in a Textile and Apparel Sector(CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Chang, Luis; Alfaro Paredes, Emigdio Antonio; Marquina Feldman, PercyThis research studied the relationships among the consensus, the cohesion, the conflict and the potency of the top management teams in a textile and apparel sector. In order to achieve its goal, this study used four validated scales: (a) Strategic Orientation of Business Enterprises Scale for measuring consensus, (b) Perceived Cohesion Scale for measuring cohesion, (c) Interpersonal Conflict Scale for measuring conflict, and (d) Guzzo, Yost, and Campbell Scale for measuring potency. The conclusions were the following: (a) by well managing cohesion, consensus and conflict, the top management team can acquire potency, (b) the used scales with small changes are appropriate for evaluating the constructs, and (c) the proposed model was validated, with the precision that the influence of cohesion by itself seems not too important. Finally, some topics were suggested for future researches.Ítem Acceso Abierto Determinants of doctorate holders’ job satisfaction. An analysis by employment sector and type of satisfaction in Spain(CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Escardíbul, Josep-Oriol; Afcha Chávez, Sergio MoisésIn this study we analyze the determinants of job satisfaction of doctorate holders in Spain. Specifically, we consider overall job satisfaction as well as basic and motivational satisfaction following Herzberg’s typology (based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). Using data from the Spanish Survey on Human Resources in Science and Technology of 2009, representative of the Spanish doctoral graduate population, we develop an analysis by gender and institutional sector (university and non-university) where employees are employed. We propose OLS regression to identify the determinants of basic and motivational satisfaction at job as well as an ordered logit model for overall job satisfaction. Results do not allow us to confirm Herzberg’s differentiation for the Spanish PhD holders, since factors related with basic motivation (such as salary or working conditions referred to ‘safety’) have a bearing on all types of job satisfaction (not only the basic one as expected). Likewise, results do not show significant differences by gender. However, it seems that these ‘basic’ needs are less important for the job satisfaction those PhD holders working at the University. Our results seem reasonable for a Southern European country where monetary conditions in labor relations are worse than in other developed countries.Ítem Acceso Abierto Influence of the Emotional Climate on the Affective Organizational Commitment(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Espinoza Ballena, José AntonioThe impact of emotional events have been much studied in diverse settings: school, home, prisons, sports, etc but only few researches in working settings. The emotional climate is the aggregated of perceptions a person has regarding the affective relationships with his/her environment. These perceptions impact the worker’s attitudes and subsequent behaviors, according to the Affective Events Theory proposed by Weiss and Cropanzano. An instrument was built using a qualitative approach to define the categories and a quantitative analysis of data collected in Peruvian services organizations. The validation process included the correlation of the instrument outcomes with the affective component of the Meyer and Allen model of Commitment, and the moderation effect of the emotional intelligence quotient measured under the Bar-On model.Ítem Acceso Abierto MIM3: Methodology of Innovation Management(CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Alfaro Paredes, Emigdio AntonioThe purpose of the study was to develop a methodological proposal for improving the management of the innovation maturity until the level 3 of the Integrated Innovation Maturity Model (I2MM), considering an integrated methodological approach which includes the good management practices of the following management areas: (a) strategic management, (b) project management, (c) innovation models and innovation methods, (d) standards for innovation management, (e) knowledge management, and (f) financial management. As result, MIM3, the Methodology of Innovation Management for obtaining the level 3 of the I2MM in the organizations, is presented.Ítem Acceso Abierto Personal Attributes Profiles based on Clustered Leadership Behaviors in Peruvian Managers(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) D’Alessio Ipinza, FernandoThe purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the personal attributes profiles of Peruvian part-time MBA students clustered into high- and low-level leadership behaviors. Various instruments were used to test leadership styles, five personality domains, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Differences in the profiles based on demographic variables, leadership outcomes, and personal attributes were evaluated, and a hierarchical logistic regression analysis tested whether participants’ leadership levels were related to the seven attributes proposed. Statistically significant differences between clusters with large effect sizes were found for three personality domains (emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and for three leadership outcomes. Small to moderate effect sizes were found for critical thinking, age, and working experience. The study findings could be used for the design of MBA programs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Spirituality and Leadership(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Iona Gherman, Tatiana; Marquina Feldman, PercyWe reflect then on the meaning of the “Catholic social tradition”, trying to provide a deeper and objective understanding of the notion of Catholic values. We can integrate concepts from moral philosophy, psychology and Catholic religion (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). In other words, we want to show how other perspectives can be integrated, that is based on Kant, Hegel or Sartre, and reaching to the Catholic values, showing in a practical manner the universality of these values. The purpose of all this discussion would be to address the basic question about the meaning of life and to emphasize the profound desire of the human being to discover it. The ability to answer such a question will enable the man to determine his position in front and towards each of the problems of his daily existence. Search for meaning of life is not just a matter of philosophy, but a daily elementary necessity.