Boletín de Arqueología PUCP. Núm. 31 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • La antropología biológica en Sudamérica. Segunda Parte Vega, María del Carmen; Gómez, Juliana; Mora, Franco; Figueiro, Gonzalo; Cadena, Bibiana; 5-6

  • Prácticas funerarias
  • Una ofrenda a la arquitectura monumental precerámica del sitio Los Morteros, costa norte del Perú Aranda, Kristel; Tomasto Cagigao, Elsa; Mauricio Llonto, Ana Cecilia; 8-29
  • Muertes violentas en la sociedad Chancay Tardía del sitio arqueológico Las Shicras (Huaral, Lima) Vega, María del Carmen; Tosso, Walter; Peralta, Rodolfo; 31-59
  • Los últimos paracas: fardos funerarios de la tradición Paracas Cavernas de Cerro del Gentil, valle medio de Chincha, costa sur del Perú Tantaleán, Henry; Gómez Mejía, Juliana; Stanish, Charles; 61-80
  • Envolviendo al muerto a orillas del mar: análisis de escaneos tomográficos computarizados de fardos de Ancón y Pachacamac (1100 d. C.-1532 d. C.) Watson, Lucía; Fuentes, Sarita; Nelson, Andrew; Williams, Jocelyn; Gauld, Suellen; Motley, Joanna; Poeta, Lauren; Gómez, Elizabeth; Baldeos, Jhon; Pozzi-Escot, Denise; 81-101
  • El caso del niño de Dabeiba, una aproximación a las prácticas funerarias del noroccidente de Suramérica en tiempos prehispánicos desde la perspectiva tafonómica Cadena Duarte, Bibiana Andrea; Pulgarín Montoya, Eliana; 103-115

  • Medio ambiente, sociedad y cultura
  • Aportes al estudio de la alimentación prehispánica y los cultivos andinos en el sector centro-sur de la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Argentina) Scaro, Agustina; Musaubach, Maria Gabriela; 117-138

  • Genética y evolución
  • La genética como herramienta de reparación. Desafíos para una Argentina mestiza Di Fabio Rocca, Francisco; Arencibia, Valeria; Gago, Julia; Bettera Marcat, Gianina Celeste; Cardozo, Darío; Russo, María Gabriela; 139-146

  • Arqueología y antropología forense
  • Aportes de una arqueología forense situada: dos décadas de intervenciones en Tucumán (Argentina) Ataliva, Víctor; Zurita, Ruy D; Gerónimo, Aldo; Romano, Andrés S; Molina, Luciano R; Cano, Sergio F; Huetagoyena Gutiérrez, Gema G; Lund, Julia; Srur, Fabio R; Leiva, Alejandro; 147-165

  • Nota
  • Arqueología y derechos humanos: el rol del arqueólogo en el proceso de búsqueda de personas desaparecidas. Un caso de estudio sobre recuperación, análisis e interpretación de manera de muerte desde los Andes peruanos Mora, Franco; 167-182
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10
    • Ítem
      Aportes de una arqueología forense situada: dos décadas de intervenciones en Tucumán (Argentina)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Ataliva, Víctor; Zurita, Ruy D.; Gerónimo, Aldo; Romano, Andrés S.; Molina, Luciano R.; Cano, Sergio F.; Huetagoyena Gutiérrez, Gema G.; Lund, Julia; Srur, Fabio R.; Leiva, Alejandro
      We present from two forensic interventions the contributions of archaeology in the gestation and development process of the judicial technical and scientific field that investigates political violence and crimes against humanity in the province of Tucumán (Argentina) that took place between the years 1975 and 1983. Such a circumstance that is, that the archaeological discipline has supported the conformation of the local forensic sphere, we suggest, gave a particular character to the forensic practice that investigates this period. We propose to present the Tucuman experience focusing on the partial results of two forensic investigations and in which the contributions of archaeology were key to dimensioning the characteristics assumed by the extermination in Tucumán
    • Ítem
      Arqueología y derechos humanos: el rol del arqueólogo en el proceso de búsqueda de personas desaparecidas. Un caso de estudio sobre recuperación, análisis e interpretación de manera de muerte desde los Andes peruanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Mora, Franco
      Peru experienced a process of internal political violence during the years 1980 and 2000, leaving more than 69,000 victims, more than 20,000 of them missing persons. The Latin American search process for missing persons has been led and developed, mainly in Peru, by archaeologists, bioarcheologists, and social anthropologists, who have put their knowledge at the service of the families of the missing and justice operators, in order to contribute to the victims’ right to truth and access to justice, and thus allow them comprehensive reparation.This article focuses on the role of the archaeologist in the search for missing persons, focusing on the process of recovering and analyzing the bodies of missing persons, through a case study of a forensic intervention in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes, carried out by the author of this note as part of the work of the Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team (EPAF) in the process of searching for missing persons in the context of the internal armed conflict (1980-2000).The results of this case focus on the analysis of six bodies of high Andean indigenous people who disappeared in October 1984 and recovered in 2015, focusing on the differential analysis of the different injuries found at the skeletal and clothing level, emphasizing a particular injury found in one of the victims’ bodies, which involves different areas of the body, which leads us to infer, from the evidence found, that the victim was in a state of immobility and defenselessness.
    • Ítem
      Una ofrenda a la arquitectura monumental precerámica del sitio Los Morteros, costa norte del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Aranda, Kristel; Tomasto Cagigao, Elsa; Mauricio Llonto, Ana Cecilia
      Los Morteros (5726-5041 cal yrs. BP) is an archaeological site located in Pampa de las Salinas, in the lower Chao Valley, on the northern Peruvian coast. This site includes several phases. One of these belongs to the construction of an adobe-brick monumental building dating 5400-5100 yrs. BP. Excavations carried out in 2017, uncovered a context comprised of burnt areas containing marine animal bones, shells, charcoal, articulated human skeletons, and commingled human bones. This context is interpreted as the remains of an offering related to the closing event of the adobe-brick monumental structure. This interpretation is based on the conjunction of osteological, contextual, and radiocarbon analysis. The closing event of the adobe-brick monumental structure, of which this offering is part, contributed to the construction social and ritual significance at Los Morteros, located inside the Archaeological Complex of Pampa de las Salinas in the Chao Valley.
    • Ítem
      Muertes violentas en la sociedad Chancay Tardía del sitio arqueológico Las Shicras (Huaral, Lima)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Vega, María del Carmen; Tosso, Walter; Peralta, Rodolfo
      Las Shicras archaeological zone is located 12 kilometers from the city of Huaral (Lima region), in a strategic area with a large occupational sequence from the Final Archaic Period to the Late Horizon. Las Shicras is composed by two monumental mounds joined by a central space, corresponding to the Final Archaic Period (2850-1900 b.C.), later remodeled and occupied by the Chancay society (1400-1520 AD). During the 2011-2013 excavation seasons, eight individuals (buried in the constructive fill of the Late Chancay remodeling of the southern mound - Sector A) were recovered. Likewise, another 10 individuals were found in the lower part of the monumental buildings (Sector C), corresponding to the Chancay-Inca residential-administrative units. The contextual and osteological analyzes indicate at least two events of violent death in Las Shicras: a) Burial of 10 people placed inside the construction of new architecture (Sector A); b) Burial of a couple of women offered to the abandoned residential buildings (Sector C). A pattern indicating that the violence was directed at a certain group is ruled out, since individuals of different ages and of both sexes are documented; however, most of the victims are female (adults and one adolescent), with predominance of damage to the facial area. Although the main hypothesis is that both groups were sacrifice victims, another type of violence is not discarded for Sector A, as this group of individuals does not present a consistent cohort or injury pattern, and not all of them were buried immediately after their deaths. Therefore, these persons could have been victims of armed attacks against a defenseless population, killed in a different place and (re) buried in Las Shicras.
    • Ítem
      Aportes al estudio de la alimentación prehispánica y los cultivos andinos en el sector centro-sur de la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Argentina)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Scaro, Agustina; Musaubach, Maria Gabriela
      Food is a structuring and organising activity of social life, in which giving and receiving food becomes a symbol of the relationship within the group. In this opportunity, we will analyse culinary processing and consumption in the central-south sector of Quebrada de Humahuaca (northern Argentina) under Inca rule, studying plant micro-remains to identify the Andean crops processed and consumed in the past. Archaeobotanical studies of phytoliths and starch grains embedded in the dental calculus of two individuals buried in Tombs 1 and 2 of Esquina de Huajra archaeological settlement were carried out. Plant fibers, starch grains and, phytoliths of Andean crops (beans and maize) were identified. In the case of modified starch grains, dry and wet heat damage (i.e. roasting, boiling) were described. In addition to these studies, the culinary equipment (ceramic vessels) found at the site were analysed in order to advance hypotheses about the modes of preparation/cooking of the identified crops.
    • Ítem
      La antropología biológica en Sudamérica. Segunda Parte
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Vega, María del Carmen; Gómez, Juliana; Mora, Franco; Figueiro, Gonzalo; Cadena, Bibiana
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      El caso del niño de Dabeiba, una aproximación a las prácticas funerarias del noroccidente de Suramérica en tiempos prehispánicos desde la perspectiva tafonómica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Cadena Duarte, Bibiana Andrea; Pulgarín Montoya, Eliana
      Usually, the funerary contexts from South American northwest in Colombian territory, have human remains in very complex conditions for osteological analysis. This situation affects the possibility to obtain more information from bioarchaeological record. In this sense, this work aims to show the advantages of taphonomic perspective in the approach to funerary contexts and in the osteological analysis, taking as reference the case of a mound burial excavated in the western Andes from Colombia, in Dabeiba. There, by the recognition of the site formation process, and taphonomic factors in which human remains were subjected, we obtained empirical information that helped us to establish some of the funerary treatments that pre-Hispanic populations gave to their dead, and also, events after inhumation related to posterior raid of the tomb. Consequently, it allows us to highlight the potential of the human remains recovered in the reconstruction of the pre-Hispanic past of the region and respond to the challenge represented in the approach to complex funerary contexts.
    • Ítem
      La genética como herramienta de reparación. Desafíos para una Argentina mestiza
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Di Fabio Rocca, Francisco; Arencibia, Valeria; Gago, Julia; Bettera Marcat, Gianina Celeste; Cardozo, Darío; Russo, María Gabriela
      Taking the case of population genetics and individual ancestry in Argentina, and through an exploration of discourses in social networks and media, we reflect on the role of genetic data in thinking an Argentina mestiza. We consider whether DNA can be a tool of reparation and social justice for some groups inserted in a society that for more than a century promoted and was perceived as homogeneously white and of European descent.
    • Ítem
      Envolviendo al muerto a orillas del mar: análisis de escaneos tomográficos computarizados de fardos de Ancón y Pachacamac (1100 d. C.-1532 d. C.)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Watson, Lucía; Fuentes, Sarita; Nelson, Andrew; Williams, Jocelyn; Gauld, Suellen; Motley, Joanna; Poeta, Lauren; Gómez, Elizabeth; Baldeos, Jhon; Pozzi-Escot, Denise
      The objective of this work is to characterize the funerary treatment of individuals buried in two archaeological sites on the central coast of Peru during the late periods (1100 AD-1532 AD). We document patterns shared by the population in general and peculiarities that characterize each site regarding the mortuary treatment of the body.The «Ancón Necropolis» is one of the largest funerary sites in the Central Andes. It was occupied by a local population whose main activities would have been fishing and textile production. The Pachacamac sanctuary is one of the most important oracles in pre-Hispanic times and it had religious, administrative, and political functions, in addition to a domestic occupation. This sample is composed of 26 funerary bundles from Ancón and 18 from Pachacamac; in both cases, the samples include bundles of women, men and children who mainly represent the non-elite of each of these settlements. This sample was analyzed using a non-invasive and non-destructive methodology based on computerized tomographic scans (CT-SCAN).The results show that the practice of preparing the funerary bundle would have been widespread in the central coast as an expression of mortuary treatment, including simple decoration of the exterior of the bundle. The interior of each bundle, including the position of the body and its associated offerings, would represent the individual identities that each person must have had in life.
    • Ítem
      Los últimos paracas: fardos funerarios de la tradición Paracas Cavernas de Cerro del Gentil, valle medio de Chincha, costa sur del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Tantaleán, Henry; Gómez Mejía, Juliana; Stanish, Charles
      The funerary practices of the Late Paracas period (500–200 BCE) related to the Cavernas style have been explored at various sites on the southern coast of Peru. However, descriptions of the archaeological contexts where mummy bundles have been recovered are scarce. This work describes nine mummy bundles that were recovered at the site of Cerro del Gentil in the Chincha valley. This article describes the mummification process, describes the objects recovered inside the bundle, and characterizes the biological features of the individuals. The results indicate similarities in the structure and way of preparing the bundles. However, variation in the use of similar objects indicate that people from a wider region participated in the burial practices. The complex spatial arrangement of the objects in these bundles indicates a distinct funerary tradition for the south coast that lasted for several centuries. The findings indicate that the Chincha valley was a central region for the cultural development of the Paracas and that the bundles constituted one of the most important offerings for political and ritual purposes.