Anthropologica. Vol. 32 Núm. 32 (2014)
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Comunidades campesinas e indígenas
Antropología Política Contemporánea en la Amazonía Occidental
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Visualidades y materialidades de lo digital: caminos desde la antropología(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Ardèvol, Elisenda; Lanzeni, DéboraThis paper discusses digital technologies from an anthropological perspective, concentrating on ways in which cultural diversity, social inequality and the possibilities of change and social transformation have been discussed. We examine the ways in which the digital domain has been conceived, categories used to describe processes of change and continuity in everyday life, and the impact of digital technology on these. this approach leads us to question up how ethnographers have explored the relationships among local practices, global transits and digital technologies, and the material and visual aspects of the digital in cultural production and media communication. Finally, we discuss how to incorporate digital technologies in ethnographic practice and anthropological knowledge.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Mercados municipales y tecnologías digitales: entre el e-comercio y nuevas formas de convivialidad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Robles, JuanVirtual storefronts, online sales, the enhancement of short and agroecological circuits of production through effective communication policies in social networks, are strategies that many small businesses are now using to value their traditional expertise, paradoxically based on proximity and direct treatment. this article analyzes the role of digital technologies in the re-signification and re-activation of small businesses and traditional markets. the use of digital technologies challenges Internet as an agent of deterritorialization and creation of global culture, in front of the presence of new forms of localization based on the emergence of new forms of conviviality, agroecology and healthy eating.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Gubrium, Aline y Krista Harper. Participatory Visual and Digital Methods. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2013, 227 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Bayre, FrancescaNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Imágenes y representaciones de un espacio urbano: el papel de los medios de comunicación en la reproducción de las desigualdades(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Monreal Requena, PilarThis article has as objective to analyze the role that the media, especially the written press in your scanned paper, are in the process of stigmatization of a poor neighborhood and segregated from the Community of Madrid, Spain). To do this, we have used the news which appeared in the newspapers about one of the largest informal settlements of Spain, La Cañada Real Galiana passing through Madrid. Its near 15 km in length have identified with categories such as dirty, disorderly, chaotic, illegal and marginal, in addition with drug trafficking and other criminal activities in recent years, the creation and rapid dissemination of a narrative that stigmatized has been made possible by linking them to the opposite values to those implicit in the new model of urban development.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Altamirano, Teófilo. Refugiados ambientales. Cambio climático y migración forzada. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014, 226 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Bravo Alarcón, FernandoNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Chan, Anita Say. Networking Peripheries: Technological Futures and the Myth of Digital Universalism. Cambridge: MIT Press, 288 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Gajjala, RadhikaNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Underberg, Natalie M. y Elayne Zorn. Digital Etnography: Anthropology, narrative, and new media. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013, 127 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Chocano, RodrigoNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Trayectorias y ciclos de explotación sexual y trata para la explotación sexual de mujeres en la Amazonía peruana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Mujica, JarisThe commercial sexual exploitation is a constant activity in the Peruvian Amazon. Around the river port of Pucallpa in ucayali region, the practice appears systematically: teenage attend taverns around the port, and those dedicated to the work of cooking camps logging, are victims of constant exploitation and many also of trafficking. this article aims to reconstruct the path of life and reproductive cycle of the forms of exploitation in a sample of 20 women, and focuses on: (i) evidence of seasonal forms of exploitation; (ii) the path of life of these women showing steps in a chain holding several stages and in different work areas; (iii) in this context, sexual exploitation and trafficking are not permanent phenomena, are concentrated in one point in the path and stopped to motherhood, between 19 and 25 years; (iv) with motherhood and matrilocal settlement, daughters and sons repeat the cycle and reproduce the chain.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ética de la investigación etnográfica en los cibermundos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Márquez, IsraelThe following paper presents a reflection on the ethics of ethnographic research in so-called virtual worlds or cyberworlds. based on my own experience in Second Life, there, Onverse and Twinity, issues related to transparency, presence, privacy and anonymity are discussed. Although research in cyberworlds shares some ethical problems with traditional and virtual ethnography, they present newdifficulties and ethical dilemmas during fieldwork that should be identified and analyzed from a critical point of view.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Diversidad cultural, visualidades y tecnologías digitales. Una presentación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Cánepa Koch, Gisela; Ardèvol, ElisendaPresentation of the dossier on cultural diversity, visualities and digital technologies.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Desarrollo o bien vivir? Repensando la función social de la Universidad Intercultural desde el cuestionamiento al efecto educativo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Olivera Rodríguez, InésThe educative institution is the result of a modern-colonial socialorder determined by a euro-centric knowledge that responds to the logic of capitalism as a world order of power. the debates about schooling that understands its function as the efficient insertion of individuals into society are proof of this. In the order of current public policies, the logic of human development still rules over the national educative projects. this problem worsens when one considers intercultural contexts once the logic of capital, productivity, and economic growth are not the base of other ways of seeing the world. Interculturality as a dialogue and interaction of different symbolic universes demands the incorporation of other epistemologies and schooling logics. Thus, mexican Intercultural universities demand new responses from the formal educative system. these proposals seem to approximate to the construction of plural societies, capable of including everybody in life projects. the purpose is the construction of a true dialogue between forms of knowledge. therefore, the main question that is asked here is: how can educative effects be thought in an intercultural context? to answer it, I have made a critical reading of Anibal Quijano’s theory of the coloniality of power which gives an understanding of interculturality based on the real inclusion of other epistemologies that allow seeing the world from other angles and other forms of knowledge.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Performatividades contemporáneas y el imperativo de la participación en las tecnologías digitales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Cánepa Koch, Gisela; Ulfe, María EugeniaIn a processual perspective of social life, technology works within discursive and action frames that make it possible. these frames provide meaning and legitimate technology but are also produced through technology and its uses. In other words, actions frames of an era are constitutive of and constituted by technology. this perspective follows a performative approach on digital technologies which allow the authors to problematize them in terms of their actors, discourses, and practices. On this way, the authors go beyond views that tend to dichotomize in order to understand issues of representation and power relations. Yet, what happens when actor’s performances and the performative force of their practices are no longer an aspect of their dynamics and configuration, but rather a normative force? In other words, what is at stake when actors and their performances are organized by performance as a mandate, that is, as a regime of truth? In a context where the principles of efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy are a mandate, there is a need to ask this sort of question, particularly in relation to the paradoxes it poses to participatory regimes that respond to the demands of neoliberal governmentality.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Músicas, movimientos, colores en la fiesta andina. Ejemplos bolivianos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-01-22) Martínez, RosalíaIn the Andean fiesta music is as much intended to be seen as it is to be heard. The multisensorial aspect of musical performance is not just a matter of the juxtaposition of sounds and sights. The analysis of the articulations that indigenous peasants of sucre (Bolivia) construct among sounds, movements and colors reveals an original organization of sensitive experience that is as much characterized by its sensory depth as it is by the ways it is linked to other domains of knowledge. The forms of culturally elaborated intersections that occur in the body of the musician lead to new perceptive configurations.