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  • Ítem
    La heterogeneidad de la resistencia: respuestas diferenciales de la población frente al proyecto termoeléctrico los rulos en Chile
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Ojeda-Pereira, Iván; Alfaro-Navarro, Roque; Campos-Medina, Fernando
    This article is the result of an investigation with a qualitative approach, carried out in the V Region of Chile, specifically in the province of Marga Marga. The Los Rulos thermoelectric project has been located in this area, which threatens to transform the social dynamics and experiences of inhabiting the territory. In this context, different groups have expressed their opposition to the project. Among them are social movements and small farmers. This study explores the specific elements that separate both visions and systematizes them around six conflict nodes: the role of the State, levels of citizen participation, the experience of living, the definition of the means of production, the characteristics of the expected jobs, vision about nature and the importance of natural resources. The results of the research suggest that, even though both groups position themselves against Los Rulos thermoelectric, they have distinctive specificities regarding the way of guiding territorial transformations. The leaders of social movements propose a territorial transformation focused on development, where the environmental, social and economic are at the same level of importance; while small farmers, orienting themselves to selective growth, continue to superimpose the economic sphere over other elements.
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    Alfabetización digital de ciudadanos habitantes de calle: una experiencia de ecología de saberes
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Gil, Yeison A.
    The purpose of this document is to present the results of the digital literacy process, which was implemented through the program called "Sistemas básicos” aimed at street dweller citizens (CHC, in Spanish) of the city of Bogotá DC, whose primary objective was to strengthen the development of capacities of the participants in the use of computers, new technologies and ICT, and additionally, to strengthen the pedagogical practices of educators, consolidating a dynamic of ecology of knowledge between them. Therefore, this initiative seeks to respond to the social, cultural and psychological relationships and conditions of the participants from the teaching task in the classroom. Thus, the main hypothesis is framed in that the implementation of the “Sistemas básicos” program, through an experiential methodology oriented from the pedagogical practice of the ecology of knowledge, allows to achieve a successful training process in the CHC, overcoming digital gaps, psychological, social and motor affectations by the consumption of psychoactive substances, the habitability in the street and the low or no academic training of these citizens. The strategy is developed, moreover, not for them to forget to put aside everything they have experienced as street dwellers, but rather to be able to establish a dialogue from the practices assimilated and lived on the street, and the proposed personal development processes by care and development programs.
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    La controversia en torno al enfoque de género en el currículo nacional de educación básica en el Perú por parte de la campaña #ConMisHijosNoTeMetas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Alegría, Alicia
    The essay discusses, by reviewing secondary sources, the controversies that have arisen around the implementation of the gender approach in the National Curriculum of Basic Education, concentrating on the discourse defended by social movements such as "Con mis hijos no te metas". We defend that, far from being a problem that belongs only to a “private” sphere that should not be interfered with, this has effects on health and public education. To approach the subject, we will resort to two theoretical paths. The first one, based on a Foucauldian analysis, has the objective of arguing that the sphere of sexuality reproduces “divisive practices” on the experience of sexuality, which maintain a logic of domination and stigmatization over sexual diversities. Therefore, it is not a problem that can be understood only as "intimate", but it is possible to recognize its social, political and economic implications. From the second path, we will observe the presence of the economic dimension, around which we will reflect, on the one hand, on the particular interests implicit in the discourse that link it with its ideological character, using the ideas of K. Marx. This will allow us, on the other hand, to emphasize the situation of greater vulnerability of the population of low socioeconomic levels. Finally, the importance of this problem being investigated not as a matter merely linked to the religious character of these groups, but also from its economic and political dimensions will be established.
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    Carta editorial. La Colmena; Núm. 13 (2020)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-12-11) Comité editorial de la Colmena
    No presenta resumen
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    El cuidado externalizado y la migración Internacional de mujeres: Ensayo sobre sus efectos en las formas familiares del sur y norte globales (1990-2010)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Anicama, Daniela
    This research seeks to explain the interrelation between international migration and care work based on the analysis of the experience of two main actors: mothers and families. It is suggested that the impact that both processes have together transcends geographical barriers. However, it also presents particularities depending on the place of residence of the subjects who participate in them. The importance of these two phenomena lies in the usefulness they represent for the global economic organization, being evident in the role of transnational mothers and the impact within the context of their own families. The study starts from the understanding of the beginning and development of both processes in history, considering their dynamics, the structures that make their evolution possible over time and the conditions under which mothers and families are inserted in said narrative.
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    ¡Primeras en organizarse, últimas en la academia! Una aproximación bibliográfica a los sindicatos de trabajadoras del hogar en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Calderón, Aroma; Silva, Isaí; Rosadio, Lucía
    This essay offers a bibliographic approach to the study of domestic workers unions in Peru. The relevance of addressing this issue lies in the fact that much of the academic research has focused on highlighting the vulnerabilities of the domestic worker, leaving in the background their ability to organize and transform their working conditions. This vision of domestic workers falls short in the current context, in which the New Domestic Workers' Law has been enacted as a result of the long day of struggle promoted by the same workers. To do this, we present a review of the literature on the historical background of paid work in Peru, trade unions, women's grassroots social organizations, their presence in mixed unions, and, finally, the domestic workers' unions. From this review, we conclude that the absence of bibliography is not only a problem of the academy, but also reveals a profound social problem regarding the conception of domestic workers, which does not end up recognizing their struggle and their role in social change. To fill this gap, it is essential not only to study the unions themselves, but also the antecedents that make it possible for domestic workers unions, made up almost entirely of women, to have an impact on the working conditions of female workers.
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    Desigualdades: reconocimiento de los cuidados y violencia contra las mujeres en contexto de Covid-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Bustillos-Chinchón, Diego
    The COVID-19 pandemic has placed the health of humanity at the center of the global agenda. Likewise, by showing the structural situation of violence against women and diversity, it reflects the structural problems of human rights violations that we have as a society. In this sense, it has allowed us to see the area of ​​care as a central part of the economy, despite being classified as an invisible aspect. Today, when it has become more than evident that care jobs are life-preserving activities, it is necessary to discuss and rethink these jobs with the aim of subverting the power structures that run through them. In this essay, it is intended to show and raise awareness of the problem of how the health crisis affects gender relations and the sexual division of labor in our society, since the effects on women and diversities are devastating at the social political and economic level. Additionally, it seeks to deepen the dimensions and problems that concern women in this context. The purpose is to analyze and understand that this is a collective problem and that, as such, it requires collective responses. This implies transcending care as a family responsibility and recognizing it as a social responsibility managed by us and by the State as referents for construction in everyday life and in public policies. To achieve the objectives of this work, a literature review and analysis of the fundamental bibliography on studies on gender violence and care was carried out, in order to include a broad view with a multiple perspective towards its research.
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    Análisis socioespacial de la gentrificación: La llegada del concepto al sur global y sus implicancias
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-11-30) Gonzales-Malca, Gabriela
    The essay proposes a brief analysis of the emergence of the concept of gentrification and its 'assimilation' in the global south. For this, the importance of the socio-spatial approach as a tool for analyzing the link between the city and those who inhabit it is highlighted. The Anglo-Saxon origin of the concept, which supposes a contextualization to understand it from and in Latin urban contexts, makes interdisciplinary reflection necessary to understand the complexity of the process. In the same way, the conceptual approach of the essay is complemented by the territorial processes and dynamics registered in Latin cities. Some emblematic examples will be taken to help stage how the gentrification process occurs in these spaces. Finally, topics are proposed that can contribute to the discussion, concluding with some alternatives to the problems that arise from the phenomenon of gentrification.