(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Quiñones, Jesús Antonio
At the swing of the global economy, political trends and events that occur in the historical development of societies, it is occurring environmental, economic and social development phenomena that affect all citizens of the world, which has been understood as globalization. Given the irreversibility as economic fact, it should alert the entire school community in which the human values and essence of being a person are the most important concepts develop within the consumer society. This essay, beyond a critique of the globalizing phenomenon, explores its possibilities for the future, determining whether the constructs education and globalization can be mutually beneficial and not mutually exclusive.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Mendívil Trelles de Peña, Luzmila
The article aims to justify the need to reorient the teacher education process in order to produce changes in the educational practices in early childhood education level. From a critical perspective, it questions the theoretical career education away from life and concrete experiences of children, rethinking the centrality of play in the initial formation, not only as a theoretical reference carried out to improve learning processes, as it is in effect human and social life. At the same time, it emphasizes the emotional component as a key of change processes.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Córdova, Elizabeth Rosales
This article presents the qualitative analysis of public teachers’ interviews who worked at low socioeconomic schools. We found that school contexts condition teachers’ beliefs about students’ performance and achievement. Through the emphasis on students’ difficulties, teachers reduce their responsibility for student learning. However, institutional activities oriented to teachers’ change may be related to strengthen collective efficacy beliefs which diminish their beliefs about negative conditions of low socioeconomic contexts, and motivate teachers’ pedagogical change.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Carbajal Alva, Max Alberto
This article presents a brief systematization about a pioneer experience of Colegio de la Inmaculada-Jesuitas, a private catholic school located in Lima (Peru) in relation to its environmental projects developed as part of its institutional policy since several decades ago. This experience has deserved public acknowledgement by other Peruvian institutions.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Molinero Nano, Vanetty
This article attempts to make a reflection about the right to education in Peru, in order to draw some mechanisms to secure, protect and promote this right from the state and civil society. In this way, the analysis begins from an historic perspective, to demonstrate that human rights are social constructions. Then, Peruvian legislation referred to the right to education is reviewed, showing how the conceptualization of this right is transformed with the neoliberal context. Afterwards, the analysis is concluded by identifying the strifes that have been developed with the aim of guarantying the right to education in Peru.